Maternity notice.


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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Hi there,
now I've had my 20 week scan, Ive been asked for my MATB1 and also they want written notice of my maternity leave...

I was just wondering, my partner is really wanting me to take two weeks of before my due date, but at the moment, Ive only book one week off prior to my maternity leave starting...

Do you think, in my notice of maternity leave, I could just put down the dates I intend to leave, and do you all think it is quite acceptable to want to have a few weeks off beforehand? or am I asking a bit much?

All opinions appreciated!!

I've gone for five weeks off before my due date, but everyone is different. What kind of work do you do? If it's strenous and you're on your feet a lot, working right up until the last few weeks might be a bit much!
You can start your maternity leave from 11 weeks before your baby is due. My work asks that we take all accrued annual leave before we start maternity leave - do you have the same policy? I've got tons of holidays to use before I start so I'm stopping on 10th August and am due 5th Sept - my due date is the date that mat leave starts so it's worked out quite well for me.

It's really down to your choice when you stop - do what's right for you xx
I'm due 4th sept and i'm thinking of taking maternity from the 1st week in aug but tagging 2 weeks hols on to the front of that so it will be mid/late july when i actually stop work. Its a bit early i know but i've had a few problems and my OH is away in afganistan till 22nd of July. I want to take some time off when he gets back so it seems to make sense to start it then
I said I would work until the end of June, EDD 10 July, because I always thought first babies were late and didn't fancy sitting at home for 3 or 4 weeks beforehand - I would be a danger to myself trying to do too much - at least at work I have to sit down.

However, the closer it gets the more I am wondering whether I should have gone for earlier as I read the other day only 10% of first babies are late. We have compromised by getting me set up from home, as I can do alot of my work from home, so at least it cuts out the travel and i can be more comfortable but I will take annual leave at the start - that way if baby is really late and I'm bored I can carry on working. Remember you accrue holiday entitlement when you are on maternity leave, so you should be able to take hols at the start so at least you will carry on getting paid.
im leaving 6 weeks before, 3 weeks are annual leave and 3 are maternity leave
I was planning to leave just 4 weeks before i was due, but my boss and collegues have made it really uncomfortable for me to work and everyday i wake up i hate the fact that i have to go to work because i cant be arsed for the shit it brings so i have now brought my maternity leave forward to the 3rd of July because you can have 11 weeks before you are due so im taking the full ammount of time because i just want out!
Ive already given in my MATB1 and i my trade union officer has told me that i have to give my boss a letter stating what date i am leaving and what date i am due back and he is to recieve this 4 weeks before i am due to leave.

I hope i have helped

x x x
I am afraid I don't know a thing about this and to be honest I need advice myself too..if you can help?

I am due end Oct.. and well I am not sure If I want to go back to work.....Do you know if I would have to pay back all the maternity leave money or a percentage of it if I didn't go back?

I could be doing with the income for as long as possible...but I don't know the options available to me? or who to ask?

Thank you... lv yvonne xx :hug:
I have spoken to my Hr dept about this last week. I can start my mat leave 11 weeks before the due date, but have to take the remainder of my annual leave before my mat leave. I will have 3 weeks annual leave left, so I have told work that I will either finish 3 weeks or 6 weeks before my DD. I have to inform work of the date I want to stop work 15 weeks in advance, wich means I will have to tell them in the next 8 weeks or so! I have got them to agree that if I still feel fine at 6 weeks before, I can keep working right up until 3 weeks before (when I have to stop to take my annual leave)

Fynemum - check your maternity policy at work because although the standard one is the same, there can be variations depending on what company you work for. You won't have to pay back maternity pay but there may be a notice period that you need to give x
weenik said:
Fynemum - check your maternity policy at work because although the standard one is the same, there can be variations depending on what company you work for. You won't have to pay back maternity pay but there may be a notice period that you need to give x

at my work, it is 28 days notice as to whether you intend to return or not... or if you want longer off.

Have put in for 1 week maternity leave before hand, and one week annual leave... and the grumpy buggers still grudged me it!! Not sure how they would feel if I asked for my full 11 week entitlement before baby is due... grr!!

yea dont forget all those trips to the toilet every 10mins or so also nearer time of when u give birth. ive got 6weeks off before i give birth as i work in a supermarket and its kinda awkward atm sitting behind the till.

i will also be taking additional pay aswell after maternity :)

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