Thanks MrsG for emailing me this website.
I've just put in the approximate figures that DH earns, and that I will get on SMP, and also our rent and council tax, and it has come up with this!!
Your entitlements
Final tax credit award 2006/07
Child Tax Credit (annual): £2,348.66
Working Tax Credit (annual): £0
Weekly amounts
If you have not yet claimed your tax credit entitlement please go to how to claim tax credits.
Council Tax and Housing Benefit
Council Tax Benefit (per week): £19.23
Housing Benefit (per week): £130
At the minute, we only get the lowest tax credits - so £39.90 per month, no housing benefit, and no council tax benefit. If the amount we will get are anything like these (especially the council tax and housing), I'm not going back work!!!!!!! Apart from when I first had Kayleigh, I have never claimed a penny in benefits, and that was only because my ex is disabled, he couldn't and also couldn't look after a baby. Time for me to claim back from the system now!!!!!
Thanks again Tracey - I owe you one!!!