Maternity Leave and Notice of "at risk"


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I was informed "officially" yesterday that my role is at risk due to a restructure. My department is keeping 4 of the 6 jobs so 2 people are going.

I am trying to get through to ACAS for advice as on week 36 of my maternity leave. I wrote to them 8 weeks before I intended to return to work to notify them of the date so technically I am in consultation whilst on Maternity Leave and according to Section 10 of the maternity/parental legislation I should be given priority to return to my original job or similar.
What I am worried about is because I have said my ML will end on the 24th August but I will be taking holidays until I actually go back to work on the 12th September do I have less rights or does it not matter as it has been announced whilst I am on maternity leave therefore my rights kick in??

Apparantly we may have to reapply for our jobs but if you are on maternity leave you should not have to reapply or even attend meetings but I don't want to rock the boat. They only approved my revised hours last week and everything is so confusing I just don't know if I have a leg to stand on!

Any help much appreciated as I have to g o in today.
My job was put at risk while I was still "at work" but the consultation period was while I was on ML. I ended up being offered a permenant job, before I was temporary. I didn't need to reapply unlike my colleagues. Is it too late to extend your maternity leave? As you are allowed a year off. I think once you are on annual leave your rights are the same as your colleagues. It's a shame this has happened so late for you :(

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This is what I was thinking and have immediately thought of stating I have changed my mind but not sure how much notice I would have to give. It's a mine field trying to get a definitive answer. Also I haven't signed and returned the agreement they sent stating they accept my flexible hours and that that is actually the date I am going back so do you think I could still change it?
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There's no harm asking. It would be unpaid, I think you need to give 4 weeks notice, well I know I do at my work (local government) you still have three weeks of paid mat leave

hmm cos I don't technically return to work to the 12th due to holidays would you think I would be ok
How long do reviews take where you work? Mine took from august 2010 until December! If you want to extend your maternity leave I'd do it asap. I joined a union as well just for extra security, they were brilliant and did all the running around for me last year
hmmm I think I will draft a letter to say further to their acceptance of my new hours and salary I wish to extend my maternity leave further as once I go on holiday my rights end gonna try and dig out the policy. Acas is just ringing now wish someone would answer!!
also don't know the timescales both my bro and hubby are mangers so have exp of this and they think it is going to happen quickly but I know some of the meetings were scheduled on the day I was due back but that has changed and I think they are all having 2nd meetings towards the end of the week
Hope you get through to acas. it's so scary when work do this to you. My bp shot up last year and I was on the verge of pre eclampsia due to my restructure.


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