maternity care questions...


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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Hi, and Happy Christmas to everyone.

I'm coming up to my baby'a 20-week scan. In the appointment letter I was told to drink a litre of liquid an hour before the scan. I've had 2 scans prior to this one, but somewhere else, and wasn't asked to do this. What have aother people experienced?

In general, too, I have to admit that I'm nervous about the maternity care in my area. I think it's partly top do with not having any choice in the matter, but also because I haven't found any info to let me know whether matenity care in my area is considered 'good'.

One of the things that has made me wonder is that I haven't seen an obstetritian (not sure of spelling - sorry), and nor will I unless I specifically ask to or if something goes wrong. The midwives I have met are quite nice and have gone through a few things, but no-one has actually felt my abdomen. Is this normal? It is certainly different to what friends of mine in different areas have expereinced, but that is mostly some time ago, and things may have changed. I guess at the end of the day I don't really know what to expect, and it would be REALLY helpful to read about what other people have experienced, just to get some kind of perspective.

Sorry for the long post. I hope it isn't too rambling!
When I had my son 7 years ago, for my 20 week scan I was told to drink a litre of water. I drank a litre of water for my 20 week scan for my daughter this time around too as I assumed it would be the same but when I went for the scan, they told me to empty my bladder and that it was only needed at early scans. I'd drink it and see what they say when you get there to be honest.
I had my 20 week scan about 2 weeks ago and I was actually dehydrated at the time and had no fluid in my stomache. I told the sonographer who said it matters more on 12 week scan and she'd see what she could see and got a clear pic...I think it seems to debpend what area you are in as to waht advice to give.

As for the obsterician from what I have read if you are having a normal pregenancy you will be under midwife led care and not need to see the obstrician.

hope this is some help
Yes, thanks to both of you; it is helpful to have some kind of idea of what goes on in elewhere. It makes what I'm experiencing seem more 'normal', if you know what I mean.

I'll be starting to go to childbirth classes before too long, and I think that it will also help to meet other local pregnant women.
I was told that they're cutting down in my area too. There are still one or too offered by the hospital, though I don't know how long that will last. I've found an independent yoga class and the NCT is quite active too I've been told. I've joined, but haven't had anything through yet.
Bad isn't it, everyone should be offered them, especially if it's their first pregnancy.

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