Sore breast


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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My left breast is really sore today. It's tender to the touch and is hurting when ds feeds too. I'm feeling generally alright in myself but am I right in thinking this may be the start of mastitis? Is there anything else that could cause pain in one boob?

Should I see a doctor or wait to see if it gets worse?
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It could be a blocked duct which if left could lead to mastitus. I think it is recommended to put a warm flannel on your boob and then try massaging the sore area to try and clear the blockage. It probably wouldn't hurt to get a doctors appointment too.

Hope it feels better soon.
get in a hot shower and let the water run over your breast, then gently massage it. Can you feel a lump or hard area? if you think it could be a blocked duct try and make sure the breat is emptied after a feed, if not try and express the remaining milk afterwards.
Also a put a warm flannel on your boob before a feed, and a cold one on it afterwards.
Does it appear visibly different? a shiny appearance or anything? i was wondering about thrush but im sure you'd get that in both :think:

Maybe try those things? but i agree it wouldnt hurt to get a doctors appointment mastitis is the DEVIL!! i had a headache for days and just kept putting it down to lack of sleep until it ended up full blown even mastitis. It really knocks you back!
Hopefully its not that and maybe just a random sore boob day? mine have both been sore for a couple of days now and i have no idea why but i do get that on and off all the time and nothing comes of it.
Thanks :hug:

It's been getting worse all day & I've just fed dsh & it was like hot needles, really really sore. Definitely only the left one. I'll get in the shower later & check but I don't think it looks any different. It feels like it's engorged but isn't hard or full if that makes sense?

I've got my 8 week post natal check next wednesday so if it doesn't get much worse I'll mention it then.
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maybebaby said:
It's been getting worse all day & I've just fed Fraser & it was like hot needles, really really sore. Definitely only the left one. I'll get in the shower later & check but I don't think it looks any different. It feels like it's engorged but isn't hard or full if that makes sense?
I think you should make an appointment and start antibiotics. they will only give you whats safe whilst breastfeeding. although its painfull, you have to carry on using the left breast, the worst thing you can do is to not use it as then the milk builds up.
some people get mastitis without the flu symptoms and it goes unnoticed without treatment but with the symptoms your already describing i deffinately think you should take something for it before it could potentially get worse and land you in bed for a few days :(

hopefully it wont come to anything. fingers crossed!
Like the others said it sounds like a blocked duct or possibly the start of mastitus. There's lots that you can do to treat it without antibiotics so that may be worth trying first... Use hot flannel on the effected breast as much as possible, get lots of rest as matitus is sometimes a way of your body telling you to slow down! Feed lots off infected breast and pump if its uncomfortable inbetween feeds.

There's also some info here on how to treat matitus without antibiotics if you wanted to try those first.

Hope it clears up quickly for you :hug:
I had symptoms breast was very hot, very sore and had a hard lump in the area that was hot and sore. I actually felt like I had the and cold....sweating buckets....feeling very low, it was awful, I was in tears with how bad I felt. Definatley book an appointment to get it seen to because I left mine too long before I got it seen to. Once I started antibiotics it took around three days before symptoms started to ease and around 8 days before I felt ok. I had the hard lump in my breast for a bit longer. Hope you're ok. :hug:
I have no advice but just wanted to give some of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
have you checked your milk, i had an abcess and only saw it as my milk was green on one side, it was very painfull.

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