masive temp change


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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Since my af arrived i have been tracking my temp, for the last 3 days it has either been 36.22 or 36.23. this morning i took it and in was 35.56 making my chart do a huge dip.

I take my temp as soon as i open my eyes before i get out of bed.

Why would it drop so much now?
I cant give the exact reason, but don't worry it's normal my temps do exact same thing. It may stay around the lower number now until you ovulate
never treat a temp change as set in stone until you've seen three of them like that in a row. temps do erratic things, classic ones for a low temperature are a cold room (it was chilly last night), sleeping with your mouth open, being a bit poorly (whether you feel it or not)

but on the other hand, some people find they have a dip immediately before ovulation and around implantation so these are good things to watch out for.
If you are still having your period your temperatures can be all over the place. I've seen advice on temp chart websites which says it's not really necessary to keep checking your temperature while having your period and some women don't even bother during that time because it can be all over the place, so they start tracking when it stops.

I track my temperatures everyday even during AF, and just had a look back at my recent cycles. I've had some months where temp during AF has been really stable and others where it has been up and down like you have described. So I think it's totally normal for this to be happening.

Good luck with charting, try for some really good advice on what's happening and what to look out for as well as examples of other people's real charts.
Thank you :) i didnt even think of just not taking my temp during af, that it would be up and down.
Back to normal 36.21 :) Af nearly gone to :) so let the BDing comence hehe

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