Manual placenta removal


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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I read in Kimbo's post that she had to have her placenta removed manually. I have never heard about that before. Has anyone had that done? Why is it done and what does it involve?
OMG poor Kim, I had this done too, TMI but the doc had to put his hand up into my uterus and pull it out! All without pain relief, its the most painful thing ive had to endure! it was worse than labour. My umbilical cord snapped leaving placenta stuck fast inside me. It was like a horror movie watching him pull it out!
Poor Kim, hope she's ok. Thinking of you chick! xxx
Sounds pretty horrific! No wonder poor kim is put off having another baby! Luckily I don't think it's that common :pray:

Most placentas come out without much fuss. I totally forgot about delivering the placenta until the midwife showed it to me. Felt it slipping out but that was it.
My mum had it after I was born, she couldn't deliver the placenta and she lost loads of blood..they took her to theatre to remove it and she had to have transfusions. I hope I don't get it..apparently it's not hereditary though.
I had it done after I had Tia... They did everything they could to get it to come out of its own accord including four bags of oxytocin that were squeezed into me... but the cord and the membranes came away and the placenta remained stuck. I started to bleed heavily once the the membranes went... and thats when they rushed me up to surgery. I had an epidural and they topped it up to a spinal block in 2minutes and the surgeon went in the same way the baby came out and just pulled it out. It was like someone doing the dishes in my tummy... but really violently... I remember my ribs hurting because he was really rough getting it out... it came out in two main parts and felt like someone pulling a plaster off from inside.

I lost loads of blood... around 5 pints in 40 minutes. It was one of the things that put me off having any more children for a long time... It was pretty bad... but looking back now it wasn't THAT bad... and I went on to have another baby and this time my placenta came out dead quick no problems, and within 2 weeks my uterus was back to size :) Best thing was that this time, the "after pains" weren't half as bad as they were the first time, because the oxytocin they pumped into me made my uterus go ballastic and this time I didn't have that problem even though all second time mums said the after pains are worse second time round..: :) not in my case ;)
Thanks for your replies, it is really interesting. It sounds absolutely horrible, no wonder some of you felt put off child brith for a while.
Thats horrendous :shock: If I have another baby I want an epidural as soon as I start labour!
I had one with Aimee. They tried to pull it out but the cord snapped off, this was after about 30 minutes of trying to get it out anyway. The doctor had to be called back in to come and remove it. Not a very nice experience, it really hurt when alls you want to be doing is cuddling your baby. I had trouble with Nathans placenta too but although that took about 45 minutes to come out, it came out on its own.
it is mw had been a mw for 10 years and I was the first case shed seen.... :shock:
poor kim :hug:

they did not get all mine out. I was very ill for 24hours and could not pee, they made me push into a bucket and felt like i was giving birth again and i lost the rest of it!! lovely
Oh my god :shock: :shock: never heard of this before and it sounds horrific. Poor kim (and anyone else whos had it). Big respect :hug:
Twinkletoesnw said:
OMG poor Kim, I had this done too, TMI but the doc had to put his hand up into my uterus and pull it out! All without pain relief, its the most painful thing ive had to endure! it was worse than labour. My umbilical cord snapped leaving placenta stuck fast inside me. It was like a horror movie watching him pull it out!
Poor Kim, hope she's ok. Thinking of you chick! xxx

OMG that's terrible, I cant believe you didnt get numbed or anything!!
I had my placenta removed manually because the cord snapped too but I was taken into theatre and was given a type of epidural (Forgotten the name) to numb me and then the doctor put his hand inside me and removed my placenta bit by bit :puke:
The next morning when I had the feeling back I didnt feel any worse off from it, so it didnt make anything more painful for me. So ladies don't worry about it, the labour was the painful part!!
Il ooked at the link and even though they were diagrams i felt quite :puke:

I feel sorry for poor kimbo and anyone that has to have one.

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