Managed to catch...


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
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A braxton happening on my phone. I was trying to record baby moving when suddenly my stomch went hard. In the video you can see my tummy go high and hard, then a short time later it relaxes. I will upload shortly!
wow. just watched. have never seen the bump move so has made me really excited! Although i couldnt see the BH but could tell baby had stopped moving. ( im a novice!) hah
wow. just watched. have never seen the bump move so has made me really excited! Although i couldnt see the BH but could tell baby had stopped moving. ( im a novice!) hah
You should see that my belly rises and changes shape...when i put my hand on my stomach, that is the peak of my braxton. Stomach at this point is rock hard. In the next video you will be able to see my stomach "deflate" and then i press my stomach again and it is all soft!! x
:O omg wow! im amazed! how exciting. I can see the end of the BH! lol Thank you!

I have been feeling movement since about 15w and my SIL keeps trying to feel it but she isnt sure if she can.... Do you know when it starts to be feelable from the outside
:O omg wow! im amazed! how exciting. I can see the end of the BH! lol Thank you!

I have been feeling movement since about 15w and my SIL keeps trying to feel it but she isnt sure if she can.... Do you know when it starts to be feelable from the outside

Ummm, my DH could feel proper movement from about 20 weeks. Though i was able to send him a video of baby kicking at 17 weeks!

The thing is, is that we feel it more because we have the internal feeling as well as the external. I would say that by 18 weeks your SIL will be able to feel little flicks.....but she will need to really concentrate!lol
well im 19w tomorro and when she feels it she goes was that it and the baby has just kicked, but she said it is really faint!....

im still amazed by your video! How exciting! When did u start to be able to see the lil 1 movin around!?
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I could see movement at around 16 weeks, but could feel it from aroud 12 weeks. Alwways feel it when i am relaxed.

Baby is going crazy today, seems to like the apples i have been eating! Baby is doinbg what i like to call the "Alien" will see a limb go from one side of your stomach to the other. Or i will get a flurry of kicks/punches all at once. They look quite violent, but it doesnt hurt, just feels like someone is patting their fingertips in you from the inside...or sweeping a finger across your stomach!!

The braxtons dont hurt either, you just feel pressure, then you will notice your stomach goes rock hard...then relaxes. I get these quite a bit.

Wierd thing you will notice is a lump pressing against your skin. Sometimes you will see a lump on your stomach, but most the time you can just feel this hard lump somewhere that will tend to move away if you put your hand on it.
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I could see movement at around 16 weeks, but could feel it from aroud 12 weeks. Alwways feel it when i am relaxed.

Baby is going crazy today, seems to like the apples i have been eating! Baby is doinbg what i like to call the "Alien" will see a limb go from one side of your stomach to the other. Or i will get a flurry of kicks/punches all at once. They look quite violent, but it doesnt hurt, just feels like someone is patting their fingertips in you from the inside...or sweeping a finger across your stomach!!

The braxtons dont hurt either, you just feel pressure, then you will notice your stomach goes rock hard...then relaxes. I get these quite a bit.

Wierd thins you will notice is a limp pressing against your skin. Ometime you will see a lump on your stomach, but most the time you can just feel this hard lump somewhere that will tend to move away if you put your hand on it.

i cant wait! :D How exciting! :D:dance:
Wow i spotted it also i havent had this yet my stomach went soild before but baby is havin a rave at the mo can feel her moving all around lol x

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