Making formula - another lot of daft questions LOL


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
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Hi peeps,

Thank you so much for your advice over my anxiety thread you all really helped. I just wondered whether you could answer another couple of silly questions.

Nicola has started waking for an extra bottle during the night on some occasions, but not regulalrly enough to make the extra bottle up - I hate waste cos formula ain't cheap and she is drinking to much for me to use a carton as they are only 7 oz.

I normally make my feeds up for the day using hot water and bung them in the fridge but I have noticed some of u store water and just add the milk when required and thought I may waste less than if I made up the extra bottle so here come my questions

Does anyone make some bottles with hot water and store them and then keep a few spare bottles of cold pre boiled water to add powder to later if needed. The reason I ask this is cos the scoop gets glogged up when I use hot water and I didn't know whether it was safe to use it when making with cold water as well.

Do you have to store the water in the fridge

How long does the water stay serile for in or out of the fridge.

Can I use the cold water in the bottles to make up a couple of feeds then refridgerate them for a few hours/over night ito make them cold enough to take out if I am going out the next day

And also can I ask what age you have done this for your baby from cos it would be useful to know if I can do this from birth.

I'm not sure on the 'right' way but this is what we do.

Sterilise the bottles and fill them with boiling water and leave them on the side to cool (where they stay)

When I need one, I add the formula and warm it through in a jug of hot water (Lots of mums use microwaves but I don't trust myself not to overheat it!)

I never keep the cooled water for more than 24 hours. I discard it and make up fresh bottles every day. We've done it this way since Stanley was tiny. :D
Thanks Minxy - what did you do about going out and about with the bottles.

Did you take the water and milk sperately or did you just add the milk to the cool water and cool in fridge ready to take out later?

I carry bottles of water and milk powder seperately,

I've got one of these Avent dispensers which is fab, means it's all measured out ready for up to 3 bottles. Was about £5 I think. ... sories.php

If I make them up right before we go out, the water is still a bit warm, although Stanley will take it unless it's very cold. A couple of times cafes have warmed it for me :D
Oh cool I've seen those - do you have to sterilze them and wipe them dry or do you not bother?

I did sterilize and air dry until about a month ago.

I'm a bit more relaxed about sterilising now that Stanley is starting to get a bit more mobile and put everything in his mouth!

I still do his bottles though and wash the dispenser in very hot soapy water. :D
im lucky, alice prefers her bottles at room temp, so i leave them on the side (out of the way of sunlight), and just pop the forumla in as she needs them, and don't heat them up. If i do give her a warm bottle, she turns her nose up at it, and moans till its cooled down. I tend to make 3 at a time, so there is never more than 3 ready (unless im going out for the day).
So when you have made up the cooled water you leave it on the side, not in the fridge?
Yeah you can just leave it on the side.

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