Major stress @ work & pre eclampsia


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Hi girls,

Has anyone else has pre eclampsia? My Doctor thinks Im developing it as Ive got sky high bp & protein in my urine & headaches.
Im really stressed at work as being bullied by my boss, Ive been off long term sick with hyperemisis & only went bk thur, by fri lunch i was bk in hosp as she'd caused me so much stress.
Anyway she continues to harass me & insist I call her even though Ive got a note & its been given to her.
Does anyone know:

A) If she can keep contacting me all the time when Im signed off.
B) If Docs think im developing pre eclampsia what tests they are likely to do on me for it? They said they will just monitor me closely for now...x
I'm sorry your having so much trouble with your boss. I can only answer your first question. I'm off long term sick at the moment and as far as I'm aware all you have to do is keep regular contact, I would think no more than once a week, if that. I'm have a sick note for next four weeks and won't be contacting them unless something crops up. I don't think she can just keep contacting you though. Hope you get everything sorted. Try not to let her get to you, she isn't worth affecting your health over xx
No she shouldn't be harassing you like this. Bosses have an obligation to stay in touch to check your welfare, but if you have been signed off sick then they should be checking with you how often you would like contact. When I was off with post natal depression, my previous manager was phoning me every week (when I'd been signed off for 8 weeks). I told him he was making me feel worse not better & asked him to only call every 2-3 weeks instead. Do you have a union where you work & are you a member? I found mine invaluable in fighting my corner for me - worth every penny.
I'm not sure about tests for pre-eclampsia as I had a blood test & private scan at 12 weeks that put me in the low risk category. I hope you get it sorted & feeling better soon.
Remember too, if it's pregnancy related it can't go against your sickness record either.

Sunnyb xxx
Thanks girls, she is an absolute nightmare, when I was first off she made me ring every day! One day she rang me 4 times Within 2 minutes until she woke me up & I answered my phone! She is trying to discipline me for performance issues which have arisen from my illness, ie although I work flexi time before I could tell anyone I was pregnant I went over my allowed hours because I was coming into work later after scraping myself off the bathroom floor & leaving earlier cos I was so ill. I had hoped to make the time back up while I was still allowed but in the final week ended up in hosp so was unable to, this was in oct/nov & she knew at the time why this happened as I went to her & explained when I came bk to work, now in feb she is trying to discipline me for it! Without any mention of it in the time between. She's also trying to discipline me because I took my works equipment home as usual in dec, but because I never made it to work the next day (another trip in the ambulance!) I didn't take it back to work!!!! I was in hospital fgs! I am in a union but as I only joined in Dec they say they will not advise me until end of march! I was bk in work less than 2 days when I collapsed with vomiting & severe stomach pains & had to once again be rushed to hospital by ambulance from work due to her stressing me out & telling me I was going to have to have a disciplinary hearing for the above, I'm at my wits end x
44 views & only 2 replies? Come on girls pls I seriously need advice :( x
My advice to you is to phone ACAS hun - it's what they are there for. They are free and impartial and handle disputes between employers and employees

I can you tell however that with any stress type illness you company have to be very careful how they handle the situation and that they do not cause you more stress.

Also - your company cannot discipline you for a any pregnancy related illness - by law! What you boss is doing as far as I am aware is against the law!

Please phone ACAS and please, check back and let me know the outcome. xxx
For yor blood pressure they can give you medication such as labetalol which will reduce it, I was on it from about 27 weeks for high bp. As for the headaches they could be linked to high bp and stress so once the bp in under control that might improve. Not sure what they do about the protein in your urine as I never fully developed pre-eclampsia. But your dr and midwife should monitor you closely, and you should try and relax as much as you can.
You and your baby are the most important thing now so if you are signed off from work you should try not and worry about it (easier said than done I know), as the other ladies have said if work continues to harass you then if needs be get some help and advice from your union or a similar organisation.

Sounds to me like your being bullied and I would DEF take Miss advise and do something about it! NOBODY has the right to bully you!

As for the PE I had this with my first pregnancy from 28 weeks and was admitted at 29 weeks and stayed in hospital until she was born at 36 weeks....what your having to put up with poss wont be helping either!

BP was monitored constantly (every 30 mins) and was on constant bedrest cant remember what meds but basically had to stay put till she was well enough to be born....

Dont take any crap of your boss she is clearly harassing you and you DONT have to put up with it xxx
Thanks guys, I have an appointment with CAB today, hopefully they can tell me where I stand. I heard today that somebody else has put an official complaint in about her bullying them too :( x
hey hun, im only 6 weeks, and ive been off ill.. i think you need to sack it off, its not worth the stress!!!! i know there are consequences, but our health comes first!!!! good luck xx
Sorry only just seen this. It depends on your companys policy, I had a disciplinary because even though i was signed off I should have rang in every day, sad but true so you need to check your contract. Seeing as your problems are pregnancy related she will be on very thin ice though, I would definately start a diary logging her calls and what the situation was.

Im the same im being monitored for bp, protein etc and its very boring, everyone says rest but I dont feel any different when I do. Oh and I took early leave as I was so tired at work.
What an awful woman! I don't know anything about pre-eclampsia, but the work thing is disgusting and she is on VERY thin ice discriminating against a pregnant woman! Do you have an HR department you can go to? There has to be a grievance process in place wherever you work, I'd document as much as you can, print off emails / phone records as proof and put in a grievance against her. You and baby are the most important people in all of this, there's obviously records available about your doctors and hospital visits too - so she won't have a leg to stand on!

Good luck, hope you don't develop pre-eclampsia and manage to get all this sorted.


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