popping my head round from tri2- need some tri3 related advice pls


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2010
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Basically Im being observed for pre eclampsia which I know doesnt usually happen until tri 3, is anyone else being monitored for this?

The story (I understand if u cba to read through all this bit):

Ive had hyperemisis all the way through my pregnancy & been in & out of hospital countless times, my boss is bullying me which makes things worse, she makes nasty comments about my pregnancy etc & weight.
I went back to work for 1 day to see how I got on a few weeks ago & she told me she was going to officially discipline me for being ill with 'morning sickness' (she refuses to acknowledge hyperemisis exists as she didnt have it when pregnant!)
Anyway she upset me so much I ended up being rushed to hosp by ambulance, they couldnt find babys heartbeat & i was in a right state.
Long story short after an anxious wait & an emergency scan they found her.
The next day I saw my GP who found that my BP had shot up 50 points & I also had protein in my urine, she was worried i was developing preeclampsia so it was straight bk to the hosp...
My bp had settled slightly by the time I got there but the doctor wasnt sure if it was stress (work related!) causing the protein & high BP or pre eclampsia so they said they would keep an eye on me.
Im going back to GP tomorrow for another sick note as I cant face this woman at work again (I have already spoken to HR & asked her not to contact me because of the stress she causes) I have a meeting with my union on thur to discuss making a formal complaint about her.

My question is as above really sorry for the long post but what happens when im being monitored for pre eclampsia? Im seeing my Midwife Friday but what do I tell my GP tomorrow?

Thanks x
20 views? surely somebody must have some advice for me? Please?
I am sorry no advice but wanted to wish you luck. X x

Just tell him everything you need to about your bp an work related issues sickness ect..
As far as this woman goes I would have bitch slapped her by now lol! You have more patience than me with all three of my kids I had sickness from very early to 21 weeks and lost 2 1/2 to 3 stone in each of my pregnancies each pregnancy is different and as her to judge you on herself if terrible!!
As far as the pre eclampsia goes they will keep an eye on your bp ext and might induce you slightly earlier if you have got it around 38 weeks I think xx
Can't offer any advice on the pre-eclampsia other than maybe they'll just check your blood pressure more regularly? But as for your boss.....she is treading on VERY thin ice!!! As long as you have sick notes stating your illness is pregnancy related, there is toss all she can do about it - infact you would have a good case against her for pregnancy related discrimination! Am glad you have got HR and Union involved hun, hope things get better for you soon xx
Thanks girls, she is terrible Evie, she keeps commenting that 'i havent lost much weight considering im supposed to be so ill' that 'people shouldnt bring things to me they should ask me to collect them myself as I could do with the exercise' and that another girl whos just has her baby at work 'didnt have problems like me because shes fit & healthy so she just gets on with it!!!' FFS & thats just the tip of the iceberg!x
i think they will moniter your bp urine any possible headaches vision blurs ect as for your boss she has no bloody right at all
oh & 'its only a bit of morning sickness youll just have to get over it!'x
thats stupid i dont suffer with morning sickness but it does mean women dont get it and ive had easy labours doesnt mean every one does your boss sounds simple
Shes far from simple, shes just conniving & spiteful x
hey hun i cant comment on the preeclampsia part buy my word she sounds evil! actually EVIL!! i cannot believe that you have to put up with that!! thats disgusting and i know this might sound a little bit sexist, but i never would have expected that from a female!? Let us know how you get on with everything! xxx
I would put in a complaint about her is there no one you can talk to? X
You need to start keeping a diary about her behaviour. Write it down word for word as soon as she says it. That way when you see HR, the union it will all be there for you to recount in black and White.
OH my god this shocked me! :shock:

Hunni i cant believe this woman! i really feel sorry for you! this is ment to be an amazing experience for you and it sounds like she making it hell!:strangle:

Firstly Go you for starting to make a formal complaint! Don't down play anything! She deserves all she gets!
Secondly she can't give you a disciplinary for your pregnancy absences especially if you have evidence like hospital and GP appointments!
Sounds like she is jealous of you for some reason or another but that still gives her no right!

Sorry i can't help on the pre-eclampsia bit sorry hun but i hope you get her sorted!

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