major hormonal emotionalness!


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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feeling uber-sensitive today! friends and family keep texting (as its my due date 2mro) which when i think about it is really lovely and sweet- that they remember and they care- but for some crazy reason its got me stressed out! i started crying earlier, because i felt like i was 'under pressure to perform'! or something and anxious that i'm 'supposed' to be having my baby but hav no control over when i do!
then i felt bad, because its really nice of everyone to text n fone me, and really i'm happy and touched that they have, so i felt guilty over getting stressed about it!
and after getting regular period-like cramps last nite, having the MWs out only to be told its 'effacement pains' and today although they'v been strong, they're not as frequent now- i feel like i'm not progressing, and its quite disheartening. feel kind of a failure as a female coz my body's not 'doing its job'!
:roll: at me!

anyway i feel much better after letting myself cry and OH gave me lots of cuddles.

WOW these pains are hurty when i do get them! (just had 1 then) cant imagine how bad the real ones will be! i must be crazy wanting them to happen lol!
Aw trixi - must be cr*p to just want baby out - I haven't reached that stage yet - I just want him/her to stay in me forever as I'm not organised yet!

Hang in there babe, we're all with you.

Valentine xxx
Best of luck trixipaws, hope things move along for you. :hug:

aww hun it will happen for you very soon just think you knwo in just two weeks at the most you will be holding your LO!!
Katrina :hug:
Hello I hope you are feeling better and stronger today
A friend of mine put a message on her answerphone at home saying basically 'thanks for ringining, no baby yet, will let you all know when something happens'..... might be worth a try so you don't get too stressed? Yes it is nice that they all care but can sympathise with the pressure to perform thing. Good luck xx

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