
Maybe he's gone out to get you a big huge bunch of flowers and box of chocs. ( Here's hoping - he's a man after all! :lol: )

I agree with the others, tell him, that he and the sofa better get well acquainted coz thats where he's gonna be tonight!
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
make sure he has the baby monitor so he hears coby

yeah... and turn the heating off :lol:

Hmmm what else....?

Set the older kid's alarm clocks for 6am!
yeah give the kids extra pocket money to upset him if he wants a shower or bath turn the hot water off and wot ever u got for tea cook yours and give him his nice on a plate UNCOOKED :D :D :D
Blimey not going to get on the wrong side of you lot lol. Am writing these down for when Pete makes me mad :D
mum always sed i can be a BITCH if neone upsets me lol!! who new plan wen he nexts want sex put ice cubes down his pants instead lol

HOW IS IT GOING NOW LAYLA r u still :wall:
What a pain in the arse sometimes they just dont have a clue do they I swear I wouldnt let it rest if ben tried that with me. Still he's been fab since I had Matthew and does the weekends as we always agreed whilst I was off work I would do week nights he's never tried to get out of it in fact its his time to bond with matthew like he's out now with him so I can have some me time and its good for Matthew not to constantly have me with him. Give him the cold shoulder Layla he should get the message although saying that sometimes they still dont notice!
michelle82 said:
Give him the cold shoulder Layla he should get the message although saying that sometimes they still dont notice!

thats what hes giving me right now, hes not talking to me at all, sulking around the house, its driving me mad, I HAVENT DONE ANYTHING WRONG!!!!
give him cody and say he needs to play u wanna be in a mood with me fine but u can help look after OUR son, my fave comment to garry at the mo is - u got it up to get him here u can help out he he he
Hi layla

I'm glad you 2 have made up.

But what I have to say is, when we have an arguement with our men why is it we always get left looking after the kids, they can sulk and strop and sod off out and just expect us to stay at home and do all the looking after. If we just walked out and went to the pub or a mates we'd get called selfish.

Not that I'd ever just walk out and leave my boys with hubby just cause I was in a mood, I think us women are just wired different we think of staying with our little ones more then getting away from our sometimes annoying OHs.

Men I think though sometimes take that for granted.

luckly they have there good points too.

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