Lunch ideas?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2006
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What do you all give your LO's for dinner?
Brody usually has what we are having for tea but I'm running out of ideas for his dinners! He always seems to have the same thing! Sarnies or pitta bread with dairylea or ham with cubes of cheese and some sweetcorn (his favourite!)
He also loves pasta but it seems a bit boring just the same things all the time!
Some Dan lunches:

cous cous with chopped cucumber, tomato, avocado
Jacket potato, with beans and cheese
chopped boiled egg, mash potato and cod (sort of a cheats fish pie!)
Omelette & toast (any filling, great for using up left over veggies)
Arianna has:

Sandwiches (either in buns, pitta or tortilla wraps)
Soup - which she loves!
Baby sausages
Fruit Salads
Cheese on Toast
Baked Potato
Cold Meat with Salads
Chicken Balls (she loves these, I make them and they have apple, carrots etc in it - think the receipe is in the sticky thread)
SarahH said:
Arianna has:

Chicken Balls (she loves these, I make them and they have apple, carrots etc in it - think the receipe is in the sticky thread)

ohh these sound nice

**runs off to find recipe!**
Thanks for the ideas! :hug:

The main problem I'm having is he will not let me feed him at all anymore and he hasn't quite mastered the spoon and fork yet so he doesn't actually get much in his mouth unless it's something he can pick up himself! I keep giving him a fork or spoon and he understands what he has to do, it's just with a spoon he either can't get anything on it or he tips it as he's getting it towards his mouth! :wall:

He's doing his best at the mo with his fromage frais bless him! :lol:
I'm pretty much in the same situation jools.
Yoghurt is the only thing I can get Dan to eat with a spoon successfully and yet he is insisting on feeding himself! Guess they just want to be their own lil men! :wink:

I just cut everything into bite size chunks and let him do it. It takes forever but at least he's getting full!!
Scrambled egg and toast I find he eats quickly with his fingers (he tends to lose the spoon after 5 minutes) Also the cous cous is quite good, although he ends up picking up every individual piece. Can take a while :lol:
He will sometimes let me feed him if we both have a spoon. Could help

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