Lucky :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Seen so many posts about horrible Oh and people breaking up and it breaks my heart, i feel for you girls so much - but just thought i needed to shout out my OH who is amazing!
I am such a lucky girl to have such an amazing guy :) he rings me at work to see if im ok, cooks and does cleaning, doesnt complain when i kick him in my sleep when tossing and turning. I fancied a bubble bath the other day, he whisked it with a whisk so it would be extra bubbly! He now says when ending a phonecall - ' love you, love bump too bye baby'
He has a 'talk' with our dogs not to be rough with me :)

I would love to hear some posts about lovely OH's
I can sympathise with you! I am the naughty one in our relationship, LOL!!! Fortunately he takes it lightly and we make fun of my Tasmanian devil moods.

He doesn't lose his temper and he is just too good to be true, has helped with most of the housework when I was too sick to care, buys me little cheering up pressies, never forgets an anniversary (including first time we said the words, first time we saw each other etc! - which I forget).

My own parents are always in disbelief that someone like him can put up with me :S
My FH is brilliant, I'm counting down the days until we get married. He works so hard, harder than most people would at his work and then he comes home and picks up the slack with things like chores that I'm not able to do. He is endlessly patient and loving and always so happy and laid back.
aw lovely lovely :) nice to get pressies!
I mean i usually do a lot at home but been so tired i cant believe he is now doing like 90% of it! like wont let me do it! My OH always remembers the little anniversaries of the words and meeting too! i forget them!
He works hard too, he is a policeman working hard shifts then coming home to help me :) i love him so much :D
my OH goes out to work, comes home and brings food if i ask, cooks me tea when i dont feel like it, does the dishes, washes his own clothes. has never asked me to do any ironing. he lifts the toilet seat up and then puts it down after hes used the loo.
he never complains or gets annoyed with me, he laughs at my moods and makes me laugh too and cuddles me every day. in over a year we havent argued or shouted at each other tho i have got annoyed with him and ive annoyed him too. ive had really crap guys before but this one is just right lol.
I agree with all you girls mines like yours and then some so I know that I have a life beyond anything I could have hoped for. I went through lots of awful relationships and some ok ones but thank god Ive found this one xxx
I'm so pleased both of you are so happy too and found that special one!
I feel very lucky to have my husband. He doesn't do much round the house, but then neither do I lol! He works hard and treats me right. He's not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, he gives me advice that I need, not just tells me what I wanna hear. He makes me laugh everyday, we are best mates and I love that he doesn't treat me any different to his other mates (well apart from sexy times haha). He stands up for me and defends me and I feel v v v lucky to have a man like him!
This is a great post!!

My DH is amazing!! He always makes me laugh, even if I'm in a terrible mood, he just knows how to make it right.
He always cuddles and kisses me.
He always knows the right things to say when I stress about not being pregnant yet.
He puts me first, and I can see that he does. He doesn't care about what's macho or what his mates think, I'm number 1 in his life and he doesn't care who knows it.
He's an amazing husband and I can't wait to make him a father.

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I feel very lucky to have my husband. He doesn't do much round the house, but then neither do I lol! He works hard and treats me right. He's not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, he gives me advice that I need, not just tells me what I wanna hear. He makes me laugh everyday, we are best mates and I love that he doesn't treat me any different to his other mates (well apart from sexy times haha). He stands up for me and defends me and I feel v v v lucky to have a man like him!

thats exactly what i was going to write about my OH! though hes not my husband :( . . . yet! he has brought my engagement ring, as he knows how fussy i am when vit comes to jewellery, so he asked if id choose it. so its now somewhere in our house ready and waiting for the "perfect" timing, and i'll still get the surprise of not knowing when he's going to ask me! he has also been the best dad to our son, and has really looked after me through the process of adjusting to being a mum :)
I'm lucky also!

I dated my bloke when I was 17 but dumped him a week before my 18th birthday as I wasn't ready for a serious relationship. I always regretted it. 5 and a half years later we meet up for a drink to which everything fell back into place! It was like we were never apart!

He proposed in jan this year and got married in may. On last day of honeymoon found out I was pregnant!

He always looks after me, cooks, cleans...everything! I do my bit too like clothes washing and general flat tidying. But I genuinely feel like he is one in a billion! He is so looking forward to baby and will make a wonderful father.

Just can't believe how lucky I am! :)
I am so incredibly lucky with my OH to. I went to school with him so have known him a while.
He does loads around the house like washing, washing up, hoovering, tidying etc.
Since I got my BFP he has talked to my tummy every day, rubbed my tummy when it was crampy and sore, gives me back massages and tells me I am not fat whenever I moan about it but that I am gorgeous.
I had some rubbish guys in the past including a violent partner and I totally adore this one and what makes it better is so does my son and dog!
I feel very lucky to have my husband. He doesn't do much round the house, but then neither do I lol! He works hard and treats me right. He's not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong, he gives me advice that I need, not just tells me what I wanna hear. He makes me laugh everyday, we are best mates and I love that he doesn't treat me any different to his other mates (well apart from sexy times haha). He stands up for me and defends me and I feel v v v lucky to have a man like him!

I was also going to write this :) he doesn't do EVERYTHING for me but he does do a lot :) and always says I'm working too hard when I'm now on maternity leave so I practically do nothing except light cleaning. Mine is really patient and doesn't get annoyed when I forget things to do, when I'm stressed he'll listen and give me a hug or ask if I'd prefer to be alone...even though he's stressed with his job at the moment he won't say anything to me as he doesn't want to worry me.

I've had some really crappy fellas in the past, and my expectations of him weren't high at all, in fact we were only meant to be a summer romance in 2008 as he was going to uni, and now we're here :) plus, the best thing I'll always keep in mind was that when I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't scared of telling him one bit as I knew he'd look after me :)

what a lovely thread by the way :) xxx

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