beanie- I agree 100%.
Basically, I think lowering th limit has potentially disastrous consequences. The current abortion debate isn't about babies, it is about certain right wing fundamentalists trying to get their foot in the door, to make women's choices for them.
I think abortion at 24 weeks is a horrible thing. I would absolutely die if it was me.
BUT it is such a tiny percentage-1.45 of women who have abortions is after 22 weeks, the vast majority- 86% I think- are preformed under 14 weeks.
And as beanie said, these women must be desperate to choose such a drastic method. If you force these women to have their babies, the consequences could be awful. The children could grow up to have an extremely low quality of life, being abused, the subject of domestic violence, which in turn may lead to them eventually turning to crime....
It is not nice, but it has to be a choice. Lowering the limit may be the first step on a slippery slope, that is, back to the dark ages. It is the first rung on the ladder to making abortions, if not illegal, then very very difficult to get. This will mean that once again, many women and girls will be dying on the table of the backstreet abortionist.
Since abortion was legalised, there has been no known case in the mainland UK of a woman dying from a backstreet abortion. In Northern Ireland, where it is still illegal, there have been six. And this is in the day when you can get a cheap flight to England.
I myself know of a few girls who have gotten backstreet abortions. One particular case I know of was an aquaintanceof mine, raped coming home from the shops, aged just 11. She confided in her older sister, who bought her a bottle of vodka and instructed her to drink it. She then brought her to some " friends" who gave her what is commonly known as "a kicking". She miscarried, and now may be infertile.
I personally could not have an abortion except of course, in certain circumstances. And even then, it would have to be an early one. However, I am strongly pro choice as although abortion is not a nice option, sometimes it is the only way, and it is the lesser evil IMO
Oh and in regards to the whole not-knowing-you-are-pregnant until such a time, well I didn't know until I was about 15 weeks- I mean I genuinely didn't know as my periods have always been very sporadic also the nausea i put down to the fact i have a very weak stomach

although as time went on their was an element of denial involved but for quite a long time I was clueless. And I'm not particulary ignorant or naive either