Lower backache


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Help please?? I have had an achy lower back all day now, it's constant and i feel really crampy under bump. All in all i feel really uncomfortable, do you think i should be concerned?

I am thinking it's probably just the way the baby is lying. I am getting lots of movement still and bump has been tightening on and off today but not regularly. I feel like a bit of a drama queen half the time anyway as this pregnancy has been a bit of a nightmare so i am really reluctant to phone anyone especially as baby is moving. Do you think i should just wait it out and see if it gets any worse?
I had this with my first around 2 weeks before i had here so could be your body getting ready for things. Ring MW if unsure hun thats what they are there for and if it puts your mind at ease then you may be able to relax a little more xx
I'm still getting this too babe.. :hug: even baths don't seem to ease off the pain anymore :(
If your concerned about anything call ur mw.. I'd keep an eye on tightenings and strength of them.. I get them 24/7 still so I can never tell if it means something unless it gets stronger..
I'm still getting this too babe.. :hug: even baths don't seem to ease off the pain anymore :(
If your concerned about anything call ur mw.. I'd keep an eye on tightenings and strength of them.. I get them 24/7 still so I can never tell if it means something unless it gets stronger..

Not long in from getting my son from school, and have had more crampy pains right down low. It's very uncomfortable to walk and stomach is still tightening. I think i will just keep an eye on things for now and if they continue i will phone the hospital for advice. Dont want to make a mountain out of a mole hill, but i have never gone into labour on my own before, and i never had anything like these symptoms the last time either, so i dont really know if this is just normal aches and pains or not.
ive had this too hun was having regular bh type tightening that were showing up on ctg last night had internal and nothing happenening !!xxx
ive had this too hun was having regular bh type tightening that were showing up on ctg last night had internal and nothing happenening !!xxx

Thats good to know, did the midwives seem concerned at all by it or did they say it's normal at this stage. Baby is still very active and feels like kicks are down at my hips
no they werent concerned had them regularly for 3 weeks before labour with my second too so thinks its just body getting ready. U will definatly know when its the real thing i didnt think i would after an induction but u do !! xxx
Thank you lewisca and jaycee, thats really reassured me now. Just gonna wait it out then xx
Ur welcome, it does sound the same as what I'm having every day now..
Handy we are at the same stage in weeks and problems lol!!

I didnt get anything like this with my girls.. If it's labour you'll know! I had v strong bh for a while while being monitored in hosp and I really thought I was gonna be in labour.. My usual bh go to 25-30 on the chart.. These went over 85 and I had to breathe thru them.. My cervix has shortened but I dont know if it's the treatment I had before pg or a result of those strong contractions... If I'd have had the scans I was supposed to have I'd know!! (still pissed off with old hospital if u can't tell!!)

If they get stronger there's no harm in getting checked out.. I feel baby so low down I get so worried it's gonna just fall out!! (I wish it was that easy!!)
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I'm still feeling crampy pains today, although not as bad as yesterday and i am finding it much easier to walk about. Yesterday it was even sore to cross my legs or climb the stairs. I haven't phoned anyone about them as i am pretty sure if something was happening things would have progressed a bit by now. Baby is still moving around a lot, do you girls think i am doing the right thing by just waiting it out?
I'd wait it out babe, but that's coz this seems a regular occurrence for me lol.. Til it gets too regular or too strong.. My mw said preterm labour is quicker so if u think ur in labour don't hesitate to give them a call and get checked out..x
Yeah i think your right, it's probably not early labour or i think i would know about it by now, i have come to the conclusion that it's just my body getting ready and hopefully this time it's gonna do it without having to be prompted!
Hope you feel better soon. I've had backache for a few weeks now. Seems to throb more every time I sit down! But I am guessing that's because baby is back to back! xx
Hopefully baby will be able to hang in longer and come out when it wants to :hug:
Keep an eye on it though babe just in case xx

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