Lower back pain


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Hi all

I have had a bit of very low down back pain, but it was just mainly at night if i was on my back and turned over it really hurt. However the last 2 days it has started hurting during the day at work too when i am walking around. Just wondered if i should just put up with it or ask someone about it incase it gets worse??

I am slightly worried as i am on my feet all day at work and always rushing around and really don't want work to be affected by this

Otherwise apart from heartburn i am fit and well!!

ive only had lower back pain once. baby keeps lying on my right hip which hurts lol

anyway im not too suer if u should be worried or not but maybe ring the midwife to put your mind at rest :)
My back has just started hurting over the last few days. Mainly when I'm walking or sitting on a chair but not leaning against the back. Oh the joys of pregnancy! lol
god i had this really bad last night, thought i was in labour!! :rotfl: to the point where i was nearly crying and my OH saying 'Breeeeeeeeeeathe'!! Really scary!! :oops:
princess_h said:
god i had this really bad last night, thought i was in labour!! :rotfl: to the point where i was nearly crying and my OH saying 'Breeeeeeeeeeathe'!! Really scary!! :oops:

lol it's funny you should say that because I thought the exact same thing last night!!
I had just got into bed and I started getting these pains in my stomach and I thought it was contractions but I just needed a number 2 :oops:

I get some back pain every now and then, it's better when I lean on my back when I'm sitting. I guess it's normal, it's all down to the expanding bump lol :)

Though I really think you should tell your midwife if it gets worse. Maybe she knows of any ways to relieve you from the pain. :hug:
Vickyleigh said:
lol it's funny you should say that because I thought the exact same thing last night!!
I had just got into bed and I started getting these pains in my stomach and I thought it was contractions but I just needed a number 2 :oops:


I had that this morning, getting pains cos I needed a number 2. I was thinking if this is hard to bear, how am I gonna cope when labour starts?!?
Nik if your work is making it worse by standing all the time you should speak to HR/management etc because they should be making all efforts to make work as comfortable as possible for you. I've had a sore lower back at different times but it seems to go as quickly as it comes (touch wood!). Hope yours gets better soon xx
Hi Nikkif,

Ive been getting quite bad lower back pain this week also. Ive been doing gentle stretching excercises to try and help it, also dont sleep on your back as that will make it much worse. if it gets really bad i would speak to your midwife. x
Hi Nikkif,

I have had lower back pain for a while now and its getting really bad to the point where I wake up in the middle of the night screaming out in pain, it's especially painful when I take a deep breath and the pain seems to spread accross my back and feels like its in my kidneys.
I finally decided it was time to see my GP last Thursday and he has booked me straight in for physio at my local hospital. He and my midwife both told me off for suffering in silence so I would recommend you go and see either your GP or MW before it gets too bad like mine!

Evie x
I have had an awful time with back problems so far. I am only 13 1/2 weeks pregnant but at 9 weeks my back got so bad I couldn't get out of bed one morning - it felt like spasms in my buttock. My Mum took me to the doctor and he gave me two weeks off work to rest, then he gave me another two after that as it wasn't better. It started to ease as long as I didnt' do anything but I came back to work on Tuesday and it has got worse again. Am going to the gp again this evening to see what I can do. Have been having physio but sitting in the chair at work is a nightmare.
batgirl3111 said:
I have had an awful time with back problems so far. I am only 13 1/2 weeks pregnant but at 9 weeks my back got so bad I couldn't get out of bed one morning - it felt like spasms in my buttock. My Mum took me to the doctor and he gave me two weeks off work to rest, then he gave me another two after that as it wasn't better. It started to ease as long as I didnt' do anything but I came back to work on Tuesday and it has got worse again. Am going to the gp again this evening to see what I can do. Have been having physio but sitting in the chair at work is a nightmare.
Join the club. I have been getting a pain in my hip like sciatica which goes down my leg and feels like someone is pulling it! I stand up in my job but they have given me a chair as health and safety rules if i need to sit down. I feel like an old crock but sometimes its so painful that I cry and dint know if I can take anything for the pain. I was thinking of physio as it is getting beyond a joke now!
Hows your back now Nikki? Work should give you a chair to sit on if you feel tired or uncomfortable as its part of the risk asessment! x
Aww lady, how you feeling?

Pregnancy can cause Sciatica (if I wrote it right!), basically, the pregnancy will put pressure on your Siactic nerve, the doctors can't really do anything for you but it will sort it's self out once you give birth. You can get advice from a doctor on how to make it more comfy for you but if your job is putting stress on your body, mayb it's time to cut the hours down or take a few days off?

Best to consult the doc but hope you feel better!
The doctor signed me off work again last week, all I can do now is rest. I find that I can lie down or walk around but I cannot sit in a normal position or stand still.

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