Lower back pain, spread to really sore pain between shoulder blades


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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Anyone any clue as to why I have a severe ache between my shoulder blades?!! Barely any sleep last night due to more lower back and hip pain and now I can't get any relief from this blinking upper back pain.
Got doc appointment at 4pm but it's a locum I've had before who is a bit rubbish. What should I be making sure she checks? I had 31 wk check up with midwife yesterday and everything is perfect with me and baby otherwise.
I've had such a straightforward pregnancy up to now but all
Of a sudden it has just hit me. Sore, tired, uncomfy, exhausted!! Part of me thinks "toughen up". This is another day off work I'm having but have still got 6 weeks to work before mat leave and still so much to do..... So sorry for the rant girls, I guess everyone feels like this and I need to stop being pathetic!!!
I get this alot too, when it eases it usually goes round to my ribs! It's really sore and uncomfortable!! I sometimes take Paracetemol to get rid of it xx
oh hun i really feel for you I have had this for months its just the pain spreadin I have been to physio and they just say make sure you have good posture but if the pain is unbearable they will offer you pain killers. x
I'm so glad I'm not the only one suffering with this, ive been waking up in the night cos of the pain! OH paid for me to have a pregnancy massage at weekend, it did wonders!!
A pregnancy massage sounds lovely. I have a voucher for a salon near me that I haven't used since getting it at Christmas but I'd be really worried that they didn't know what they were doing properly re pregnancy. Worried they might kick start contractions by rubbing the wrong bit!!!

Thanks for your replies girls. At least I'm not alone, not going mad and I just need to refocus on why all this discomfort is worth it at the end of the day!!!
It's worth asking the salon if they do any mother to be treatments, most do, they're so relaxing :)

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