lower abdoman pain 2 weeks after m/c


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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:( hi im quite worried as i have really bad pains in my uterus and lower abdoman, when i stand is when it reaaly hurts. i stopped bleeding about a week ago, now i have brownish spot bleeding :oops: it doesn't feel like period pains. also i have spasams everywhere down below, can anyone en lighten me should i see doc. (again) i have changed my name on forum as i used to be called 3rd time pregnant. (not appropriate now :cry: ) hope someone can help
well i thought id changed my author name, i cant have done it properley. oops. its amy :roll:
Hi Amy,

i would defo go back to your GP.. do you have another scan booked to check that the m/c was complete - this would help see if there are any other problems in your uterus.. I had mine exactly 2 weeks after my m/c although I was still bleeding they confirmed that the m/c was complete so it was good to have closure.

I remember I had a lot of pain due to some large cysts that appeared after my mc but they were on right side and almost groin area.

Don't suffer.. call your GP and get another scan booked..

take care x
Oh God Amy my heart goes out to you. Do see your doctor. I'm only in the second week of mine. I hope it all goes okay. How are you doing mentally? I'm really struggling this week and feel teary and low. I'm going to get there though :lol:
hi s im ok just feel like every day there is something wrong with me, headaches, stomach cramps, backache the list goes on, im really tired as well. i have a 6 month old so i dont have much rest as shes starting to stand and has cut her first tooth already. i think im not having enough time for me, i dont sit down and think, im worried its all going to build up. i suffered from panic attacks and i really dont want them to come back. take care s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh my God you poor thing. I too very much hope your panic attacks don't come back. My Mum used to suffer from them and it was horrible.
Try and get some rest if you can. It's a tough, tough time Amy.
Can you even take a bath and get your partner to sit with your six year old?
Thinking of you,
hi my hubby gets in at 6 : 30 ish so by the time ive bathed and fed kids ive done everything. have 6 month old and 8 year old. so its a bit of a nightmare really as the youngests bedtime is about 6:15 ish, hubbys just got in have to start cooking again :cry: this is what its like every night. hopefuly get to watch emmerdale :wink: love this forum as it gives me a reason to have time out. :lol: and a chat about things that are on my mind, that i think eveyones getting fed up of. hope your ok s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You must use the forum if it helps you. I had my scan today and felt quite weepy this morning. Yesterday was a tough tough day and I just felt an emotional mess. Must be hard for you with two children to cope with.
I hope your pain passes soon.
thanks s . my hubby came back from work early today. i was really suffering in more ways than one. I GOT A SLEEP :shock: i feel a bit better. might have to sort out my hubbys hours out at work, as need him more in the afternoons. thanks s for replying. :lol: hope your ok. scans are horrible. every scan i had i had to have an internal scan. :( keep in touch and let me know how your getting on hun :) take care.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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