Low blood sugar!


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
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I got a horrible fright earlier, am off work so didn't start getting ready till lunchtime. Was sitting drying my hair and reading PF when all of a sudden I felt all light headed and literally couldn't read the post I was trying to read, it was like I couldn't make sense of the words, I honestly thought I was having a stroke or something.

I was panicking so tried to talk myself down but just felt really lightheaded and strange. I said to my hubby I thought I should go to hospital so we jumped in the car, then I started seeing flashing in one eye, which reminded me of a couple of times a few years ago when my blood sugar went low so I got hubby to stop at shop to get me a snickers, 10 mins later everything was fine so I must've been hypoglycaemic for some reason.

Phoned midwife who asked about other symptoms in case of pre-eclampsia which I have none so she just said if it happens again to phone labour ward but hopefully just a one off. It was scary though, anyone else had this?
yeah its quite common its like a craving apart from your body has a different way of asking for it, just make sure you always have a chocolate bar on you at all times and if you feel that way again eat it and head to hospital to get checked over x x x
Ive had this too, but ended up fainting :(. My midwife did tell me it was probably low blood sugar and to keep my snacks with me at all times incase i go all light headed!..And haven't had any trouble since :)

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