Low blood pressure


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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Does anyone here suffer from low blood pressure before they became pregnant?

I do, and it only seems to have got worse since I became pregnant. Started coming close to keeling over a few times and yesterday morning at work I blacked out and got taken home. :shock:

I know you can't really do anything about low blood pressure but do any of you's know anything I could do to help it? xxx
I have low blood pressure but I'm not sure of a cure to be honest. Have u spoken yo your docs?
I'm waiting for my doctor to ring me back. So far I've just had take it easy and rest more :s xxx
I do too, but not seen mw yet so not had it checked but I'm dizzy every day and nearly fainted quite a lot of times so I'm thinking it's got lower since getting pregnant not sure you can do much though.
I suffer from low blood pressure too! I've been told one of the best ways of dealing with it is to ensure that you drink enough water.
I'm probably not drinking enough water to be honest, so I'll try that. I hate drinking plain water so other half suggested that I buy the flavoured stuff see if that helps. Asda tonight me thinks :s

Thanks girls
I completely sympathise hon mine has always been low, last week the midwife read it and said it was 90/50 and warned it will get lower throughout the pregnancy! I laughed and said I will most likely be in a coma by the end of 9 months! :faint:She did say all you can so really is to make sure you never get up too quickly, keep your blood sugar levels up by eating regulary, drink plenty of water and avoid getting overheated. If you feel dizzy are in a position when you're able to (at home for example) lay down with your feet higher than your head I've found that really works x x x
Thanks hun. I'm pleased i'm not the only one! I've often had reading of around 90/50, people joke asking if i'm actually alive!!!

Guess best thing is just to rest and keep an eye on things I guess. It's not nice blacking out though, I'm worried as I get bigger and i end up blacking out I may fall and hurt bump!! Not good!! xxx
I worry about that too - I used to faint a lot when I was younger and it's so horrible and embarassing! I think the key is to try and sit down the minute you start to feel faint, from what I've heard little bean should be well cushioned in there but it's still a worry x x

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