Loving Biffing :-)


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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I can finaly say i really love and enjoy breastfeeding
I mean ive always loved feeding Collier but i spent way to much time worrying if i was giving him enough.
And when he went through his fussy faze and started to reject my boob i struggled a bit
But never wanted to give up even when i was getting myself in to the sillest tizzy over it :oops:

But now were both so happy Collier feeds wonderfuly from me and i look forward to feeding him :D
Well apart from 4 in the morning that is :rotfl:
He still needs nights feeds this is when he feeds the best, through the day he want to be playing so has short meals.

Its take me a while hasnt it
:lol: :D
And im nearing 8 months of biffing feeling we have achieved something to be proud of :D
Well done Collier and well done me :clap:
:clap: :clap: well done for keeping at it Sarah. You should be really proud of you both :cheer: :cheer:
Well done hun :clap: :dance:
It took me till Calleigh was over 6 months to really enjoy breastfeeding.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
i really hope i can last as long as you, im enjoying it at the minute too
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Well done you!
And well done for getting this far! Be so proud!
well done hunnybunch ! and welcome back iv fricking missed you !
I dno why but the word biffing makes me giggle, silly sod ! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
:dance: Congratulations Sarah 8 months is brilliant and I agree with you I love feeding Maia too. It was heartbraking when Maia went through a stage of rejecting the boob too I just put it down to a nursing strike but I was determined not to give up even when my hubby said it may be my time to switch to formula :shock: I perseveered and kept focused and determined and we came through the other side :D
Yay, well done Sarah! It took me ages to work out what you mean though - Biffing?!

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
Yay, well done Sarah! It took me ages to work out what you mean though - Biffing?!

Valentine Xxx

:lol: Blame debecca its one she made up and its caught on :lol:
congratulations, that is so dedicated and really well done.

Well done Sarah, you should be really proud of yourself!! :hug: I know how hard it is....i found it so stressful that i gave up, and i still regret that, so i think you've done brilliantly in sticking with it :cheer: xxx
Well done :hug: Its great when it becomes more enjoyable and less stressful :D xx
You poor love, I didn't realise it had taken this long for you to enjoy it. I'm really pleased you are now :D

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