Lovely coloured nappies question...


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2007
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I'm just in the midst of getting addicted to nappy buying and have ordered "a few" :oops: lovely coloured ones like the tots bots. I'm actually trying to hold off on too many colours until we find out what colour our bundle will be but anyhoo....

I was just wondering whether there was some way of babies wearing cloth nappies that are meant to be used with wraps (like the tots bots) without wraps. If not, what's the point of making them in such lovely colours. Maybe it's just me and I've missed something obvious :?

I mean, can they wear them without wraps at home as long as you're changing them more regularly? Are the wraps really just for when they're in them for long periods?
they do get wet very quickly and a wrapis needed sadly. The lovelyones are a babies version of us wearing nice pants, no-one sees them but you know they are on.

However you can get some gorgeous wraps, checkout for some (I got Cally a gorgeous personalised one from there) and when its summer you can show these off. hyena cart laso have some lovely wraps on it, or there are the all in ones too (you don'teed a wrap for these).

sound like you are getting addicted lol, I did warn you!!!!
Thanks Beanie :D

Already purchased a couple of wee notions ones so well on the way to becoming an addict already. Can't believe how many options there are. At this rate we'll be trying one of everything then buying more of the ones we love. There'll be no clothes on this baby, just lovely cloth nappies :lol:
I'm like you - no baby yet but great nappy buying excitement!

I have recently discovered that pocket nappies may be a good way round this. I have a blueberry which is so soft and beautiful! And I have 2 wonderoos arriving next week.

And once LO is here and I know which flavour of baby I have I can buy even more nappies and wraps :cheer:
pocket nappies :) we use a mix of blueberry and bum genius and they are great!

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