cloth nappies: how many wraps needed?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2006
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I'm going to use a local cloth nappy laundering service that supplies the pre-folds and the liners but I want to buy my own wraps to go over them.

I have two questions really -

1. What wraps work well with pre-fold cloth nappies?
2. How many wraps of each size should I buy?

Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks :D
I am using cloth too :D

I've been told that not every nappy change means a wrap change but to have roughly half a dozen (nappy lady suggested just 4 but I went for 6). They seem to come in small, medium, large and X-Large (toddler!) so I've gone for small and medium for the time being (I have 2 large tucked away though) so will see how I get on with them. I can always buy more if needed.

There are a few cloth nappying mum's on the fourm I'm sure they can tell you from their experiences usually how many per day/week they use. If you are sending out laundry you might need more but if your washing them at home I don't think you need as many.
Sometimes I only use two and never more than 4 so 6 is a decent number based on washing every other day :D

You want a close fitting wrap over a pre-fold so I'd go for something velcro-ed rather than a poppered 'air-flow' type.

Motherease Rikki and Tots Bots wraps are both popular brands :D
Motherease rikki is the only wrap Ive found that fits chunky munkys podgy legs in! Really nice wrap. And the nature babies multi wrap is good as you can adjust the waist, legs and even height with the poppers so that should last a long time
With the prefold style it is essential that they have elasticated leg gussets. For my prefolds the ones I have found best have been bambino mio but cotton bottoms are another prefold brand. I have used tots bots but they haven't fitted as well, they are more for going over shaped nappies.

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