Love the name, but is it my baby?

Mary Poppins

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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So I totally love the name Florence, and finally oh has agreed he likes it too! Strange thing is, until today I just felt that as much as I loved the name, it wasn't my babies name, does that make sense?? Almost like she already has a name I just need to work out what it is?

Never felt like this last time and it's really bizarre!

Anyway, don't remember my dreams from last night but woke up instantly thinking about baby and cradling my tummy, and actually feeling that her name may be Florence!

Probably a very pointless post, but was just wondering if anyone else had the same thoughts, or if it's literally me being weird! X
I don't think its weird. I was going to be named Natasha right up until I was born but when my mum and dad held me they decided I just didn't 'feel' like a Natasha! - not entirely sure how a Natasha is supposed to feel :lol: but hey-ho!
We're pretty sure our little boy will be called Logan George - we keep discussing other names that are gorgeous, but like you say - they are gorgeous, just not 'his' name. However we do have them on standby incase he doesn't 'feel' like a Logan when he pops out :)
Thanks summer! I can understand people feeling it once the baby is born, we had two names ready for when Belle was born so we could see what suited her. Just find it bizarre before I even know what she is like! Glad I am not alone though! X
I'm with you on this they have a name and it's up to us to discover it.

With DD1 we had a short list and as soon as we saw her we knew her name.

The next two took a little longer but I think we got it right!
I completely understand the feeling, though I had it only after my baby was born - but I believe you can have it at any time. We had decided on Matilda for one of our twins, but then when I saw her that just wasn't her name!! I still LOVE the name Matilda and would have loved to use it, but she just didn't feel like a Matilda. Haha summer, that made me laugh... I know she doesn't feel like a Matilda, but couldn't tell what a Matilda feels like haha... it's odd.
I was so confused by this feeling, as I thought once you choose a name that's it. I didn't think you could somehow 'not feel' the name! So yeah, I'm totally with you on this!
Thanks girls ~ you make me feel less like a crazy lady! Xx
I like Florence too. My little girl has a friend called Florence and we all call her Flossy which I think is so cute.

I totally get what you mean about having to figure out the name. My youngest had 4 names changes throughout my pregnancy until we reverted back to the initial name we loved.

Giulia, I love your name. Giulia/Giulietta were strong contenders for my youngest!x
Ive always liked Florrie as a form of this for a girl. Love Florence too !

I understand what you mean ablut suddenly it feeling right for your baby.
Griffin had made just top ten on our past boys name list , but really low top ten as a bit more out there, but at 5 weeks preg just 3 days after finding out ,I Woke up, sat up in bed and he was a griffin, it just felt right !! Spooky
So bizarre isn't it Jen? So nice when you just know though!

Think we are pretty well settled on Florence Honey now, which I totally love and oh is really happy with too. When we had Belle we had two names to choose from when she was born, and I had in my head if she had dark hair she would be Belle, blonde and she would have been Eva. Find it really weird this time to have practically decided, but there are no other names we agree on.... Am still thinking of a back up option for 'just in case' though! X

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