
Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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Ok, following on from Becks thread...

What do you love about yourself and what do you hate?

I love my eyes.
I love that I have a strong personality and wont let anyone influence my decisions.
I love my hair but only when its just been cut.

Erm, I hate everything else :lol:
I love my eyes & boobs

I hate my belly, thighs & the fact that I always need to be right :roll:
I love my music taste
I love my style and the clothes i wear
I love my personality
I love being immature but some how i seem to manage so much better than even ppl in relationships :S
I love i have an amazing best friend
I love i produced such a beautiful little girl :)

Basically I love everything apart from
Stretch Marks and being a fatty fatty like flubber but i'm currently working on that
what do i love about myself.

i love my eyes,
i love my shortness, it makes me me.
i love my music taste cos it rocks,
i love my attitude
i love the way i deal with things
i love that im having a little boy, and ive beaten all what everyone has said about me/ to try and hurt me (get fucked. :) )

i dont like how i am right now.
i cant wait to get back to how i was cos i liked my figure and that then.
Oooo oooo I forgot to add...

I love that Im a shit hot driver :rotfl:

Well I think Im good for a woman driver anyway :shakehead:
i love.....everything about me :wink:

no really i love that i am told i am a nice person & would do anything for anyone & put myself out to do it.

i love that i am a good mummy :wink:

i love being quite tall.

i love my ability to be a very good judge of character.

i hate belly!! oh & thighs :rotfl:
I love....How the fact that i am clever
I love my boobs
I love the fact no matter what i look like oh will always love me :angel:

I Hate... My weight i am
The fact i have IBS
I love my eyes and my teeth and i really hate my flab and my hair :oops:
i love all my body bits no steachmarks yet so im good lol
erm something i hate oh my ocd for sure everything has to be just right constantly spend half my day moving things about so they look straighter :D
manda x
I love the fact that when I make the effort and get dressed and made up, I still turn heads!

I hate the fact I hardly get the chance and look like a bag lady most days!! :rotfl:

Seriously, love the fact that my brain hasn't turned to mush and I can still achieve things.

Hate the fact that I'm always impatient.......
I havent got any part of me that i love..

i hate it all.. wish i could afford to have everything changed!!

i love my kids more than me :wink:
i love my eyes,
i love puppies (boobies)
i love my personality (people often say "she's lovely when they talk about me)
i love the fact that James and I made such a beautiful little girl

i also HATE my huge belly,
i hate my thighs
i hate my legs
oh and i hate my bum :(
& that I always have to be right! (my worst trate)

sunshinestars said:
I havent got any part of me that i love..

i hate it all.. wish i could afford to have everything changed!!

i love my kids more than me :wink:

WHAT????? and this from a Pink lookalike?

You look fabulous, what could you possibly want to change??

:hug: :hug:
I love my eyes, my hair and my feet. I love that my body made Jake. I love the relationship I have with OH, I love my determination and strong will and kindness. I love my life.

I hate my boobs, belly and thighs and the bags under my eyes. I also hate my metabolism- its slower than a dead dog. I hate that if I want to lose weight I have to live off rabbit food
To be honest there isn't anyhting I like about myself at the moment but that could be down to the fact that i'm feeling a tad fed up and so low
Princess_Puddles said:
To be honest there isn't anyhting I like about myself at the moment but that could be down to the fact that i'm feeling a tad fed up and so low

I know how you feel :hug:
Princess_Puddles said:
To be honest there isn't anyhting I like about myself at the moment but that could be down to the fact that i'm feeling a tad fed up and so low

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
To be honest there isn't anyhting I like about myself at the moment but that could be down to the fact that i'm feeling a tad fed up and so low

:hug: :hug:
Aww thanks guys, i wasn't asking for sympathy but thank you for the hugs. Im sorry i've kinda turned this thread sad now :hug: :hug:
I love:
my ability to go brown as soon as I look at the sun 8)
Having brown hair
Making myself laugh, I fiind myself hilarious even though I just p*ss everyone else off :)

I hate:
my pregnant body
my bad temper
my spd :x
how much weight ive put on
my nose
and the fact I always have to have the last word :roll:

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