Lousy ex....

Mar 11, 2008
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Just a whinge sorry.....
Don't know if there's any other single Mum's on here but as a general question - if your LO was taken into hospital due to severe de-hydration from tonsilitis and stomach flu - would you expect it's father to make an appearance????
My ex didn't and when I confronted him about it yesterday he said, and I quote, 'If it'd have been more serious then maybe I would have come down.' I was so angry. Am I over reacting like he says I am or should I expect more of him? :wall:
Thank-you! Glad others see that - he's insistant I'm over reacting and I shouldn't be so 'sensitive'!!!!
He truly is a w@n*er! I told him after that that I didn't want him seeing him anymore and he didn't even respond - no fight for him or anything - nice to know he's so important to him huh!
He sounds like my ex! The only thing he cares about his himself what a tosser he should have been there no matter how serious. After all he is your sons dad.
What a w@nker! :evil: :evil:
Sounds like the 2 of you are better off without him!
Yeah, definitely better off without him - still amazes me someone who I thought loved us can be so heartless! Me thinks maybe he's been abducted by aliens or something!!! :lol:
Tosser! thats his child hes talking about! I cant believe some men are so thick and insensitive and so lacking when their kids are concerned.

You are so much better off without that muppet in your lives.
Me neither but you do start to question whether you are over reacting when he tells you it so often! He seems to think what he's doing is 'right'.
I know so well that we're so much better off without him but still kinda hurts that we're left to pick up the pieces of his ignorance :x
yummymummy1805 said:
Me neither but you do start to question whether you are over reacting when he tells you it so often! He seems to think what he's doing is 'right'.
I know so well that we're so much better off without him but still kinda hurts that we're left to pick up the pieces of his ignorance :x

I guess you do but then you have to relias that some men liv on a different plateau to us women and there logic is completely different to ours.
Putting it mildly, hes a dick and should have been more concerned then he was - my man would move heaven and earth for our children.

You are right to be pissed at him.
Its so easy for him to say you're over-reacting, he wasn't there to see how sick your child was, and there is nothing like a sick child to make you out of your mind with worry. He has no right to judge whether you were over-reacting or not - the docs obv thought you were right because they admitted your son for treatment!!

Tell him to shut up until he's been there himself. If he isn't going to be arsed to turn up then he has no right to an opinion!
He sounds like my dad. He's not worth the hassle.
Not quite the same situation but my dad didn't even show up on my wedding day, let alone at any other point during my life!

IMO you should leave it up to him from now on, if he can't be bothered to make the effort then why should you!

have some :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks for the :hug: Babybee :D I am indeed leaving it entirelty up to him. I shouldn't imagine I'll hear from him again - he really seems to feel nothing for our LO even though he swears he does :? Oh well, his loss! Just need to sort meself out and build us a happy life together.... We'll get there - he's a fab little boy and worth every bit of pain the situation has given me!
what does he actually deem as "more serious", i would think that having to go to hospital falls into the "more serious" catagory. what a to**er.

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