Lots of Symptoms!


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
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after suspected MC at about 4 weeks we are still trying to see if im still pregnant as symptoms have got strong and still got BFP's. should be about 6 weeks now.

V sore boobs
getting cold after cold after cold for the past 4 weeks.

VERY tired! have to nap at 5pm-ish
travel sick
sickness in evening
totally gone off sweet stuff, turns my stomach.
constantly thirsty

does anyone get loads like this? ive read about twins etc and my cousin is about to have twins, me and my mum joked about it but how likely is it?
Hi :wave:
Both my sisters have been pregnant with twins, one sister lost one twin and ended up just having a singleton and the other sister did actually go on to have two healthy babies..... Anyway, they both had severe, exagerated symptoms from early on, so it could be possible but everyone is different. Sorry not much help, just didn't want to read and run!
hi thanks for that :)

people i know must think im exagerating at the moment lol its terrible lol.
twins have run in my family. me and mum were thinking that maybe i was expecting twins and lost one which would explain alot but wouldnt the symptoms die down a little instead of being so full on?

i'm sure people don't think you are exagerating, it's not very nice feeling all these things and not know what exactly is going on. my sister who was having twins and lost one was really poorly through most of the pregnancy, her symptoms didn't reduce at all. she had something which only women pregnant with twins get and her loss was quite early on, i don't know wheather any of this helps, hope you find out whats what soon :hug:
thanks :D

now got morning sickness, god its horrible lol. when does it end?
Aww hope you feel better soon :hug:

Have you taken a test, or had a doctors appointment?

The not knowing is the worst thing, when you know what you are dealing with I think you can take the pooey feeling more in your stride.

Hope you can get to the bottom of this soon, and let us know how you get on. :hug:
went to the doctors over aweek ago and they referred me for another scan and said it will come in the post. so far nothing.

its strange but in myself i know im pregnant. ive done 3 recent tests and all have BFP and now the symptoms. just waiting for the NHS :(
Well in that case I would say things are looking good :D .

Like I said waiting is the worst, don't you just love the NHS :roll: . Do you have a number you can use to chase it up? Or maybe get in touch with your GP and see if they can hurry it along from their end or maybe they might have a copy of the results.

How far along do you think you are? Please keep in touch, I really hope you get the outcome you want :hug:
yeah if i hear nothing by endof this week then il go back to my GP as they are great and see if i can get in. its early yet so maybe they are waiting for couple of weeks for the scan. i should be about 6 -7 weeks now
Good luck and really hope to see you in first tri soon :hug:
im in first Tri already as there were problems and needed advise. full story is in there too, just hope to make ot official haha

is it sad that we are already discussing baby names. we said that even offor some reason this one doesnt happen then the names will be for future kiddies

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