Lots of symptoms but BFN!!!

Sal C

Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
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Hello all!

I am new to the site so trying to get used to the abbreviations - apologies if I get them wrong!

First cycle trying to get pregnant.

I normally have 28-30 day cycles. I am now on day 27. Monitored my BBT and it went up on day 14-15 with a second rise on day 22 which has stayed up so far (fingers crossed).

I have had loads of symptoms from very early on:

Very sore BBS from cycle day 16 (usually get this with PMT but it is much more acute and can't tolerate DH touching them much).
Complete lack of normal PMT depression feeling I usually get (my favorite symptom).
Complete change of body clock - usually I am very bad at waking up in the morning and am alert and able to work well late at night whereas each morning I am waking up at 5 or 6 am and am pretty useless by 9PM.
Funny discharge on cycle day 17 and 18.
Flutters from ovaries since cycle day 17-18.
Persistant low grade nausea.
Hot flushes cycle day 20-22.
Slightly more frequent need to wee.
Increased flatulence!!! (Sorry to mention that one, glad to get revenge on DH though as he is generally the stinky one).
Very sore throat and slightly stuffy nose (feels like virus coming on but symptoms coming and going) cycle day 26 and 27. Having looked at a few web sites this is a less common but definately reported symptom!

Unfortunatley did Clear Blue test on cycle day 25 and it was negative. BOO.

Still remain completely convinced I must be pregnant though - either that or completely deluded!

Looking forward to hearing what everyone else thinks and hope my symptom list is helpful to others.

Will keep you posted as will test again soon!

Sounds good hun, it could be too early to get a BFP as I tested twice and got BFNs and then got a BFP.

Good luck and keep us posted :D x
When i got pregnant last year it took me two weeks and 5 tests to get a BFP... Please get back to us with your results!

I love reading that people are going to tests...but never get closer if they don't tell us how it turned out....

Nosey little me huh? lol

Good luck...have my fingers toes and eyes crossed for you!
Hurrah! BFP!!!

Glad it wasn't all in my mind!
Congrats!!! :D :D Ive had similar symptoms to you, going to test in a few days, hope I get the answer you did


jennyr1985 said:
Congrats!!! :D :D Ive had similar symptoms to you, going to test in a few days, hope I get the answer you did



Thanks. I've got everything crossed for you too! Let me know how you get on!!

Wow... BFP on the first month of trying!!! Amazing! Hope you have a happy healthy nine months...

I agree get yourself a ticker and stick around a let us know how you progress!!!
jamiereed85 said:

Wow... BFP on the first month of trying!!! Amazing! Hope you have a happy healthy nine months...

I agree get yourself a ticker and stick around a let us know how you progress!!!

All tickered up! Will keep you posted!

Ive got all the same syptoms as you and am convinced that i'm pregnant, i done a test yesterday and it was on day 29 of my 31/32 day cycle and it was negitive, im due on sat so i'll take another one if i dont come on by then, but reading through your syptoms i was like hey are you writing about me??? hehe
sunshine_gal said:

Ive got all the same syptoms as you and am convinced that i'm pregnant, i done a test yesterday and it was on day 29 of my 31/32 day cycle and it was negitive, im due on sat so i'll take another one if i dont come on by then, but reading through your syptoms i was like hey are you writing about me??? hehe

Fingers crossed for you!!!
Keep us posted! :D :D :D

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