Hey Flopsy,
We hit a brick wall, well more so me tbh and so I decided I would talk to DH and we then decided to bin all the charts, temps, opks, hpts and just get down and dirty when we wanted to and that we wouldnt avtivley TTC but obviously not preventing at all either!
And its the best thing weve done!
I notice that when we were actively ttc it was usually me saying right from this day till this day is our window and I would remind him its an early night etc, now hes wanting a 'cuddle' more than ever and its taken ALL that pressure away!
I may still not get my BFP but its a bit of reversed psychology isnt it thinking your not TTC when we can still get pregnant by not preventing!
I dont think Im going to chart etc as such next month either if no bfp this month as Im actually liking things the way they are, no pressure, no stress just lots of quality DTD!
Hope this helps and although I hated to admit it when the others posted things like Im saying...its true relaxing regardless of a BFP or not is def the best way forward xxx