Lost as to what to do..


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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Lo just spent 40 mins on my boob but is still hungry, she's screaming and I'm crying my eyes out too! She's been up most of the night feeding and I think I'm drained. I feel so bad :(

How old is she? It might be a growth spurt so you just have to ride it out or she's got trapped wind and showing the signs of being hungry when she isn't, does that make sense? If it gets too much swaddle her and cuddles or put in her cot, take a break from the screaming xxx

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I'd burp her and offer it back. My LO likes suckling. It might not be the best advice but it may calm her until you get it :)

She's 9 days and I'm not too sure its wind as I've winded her after every feed and she's given me a good burp or 3. It might be trapped wind of the other side maybe but she keeps going for my boob.. and everyone else's for that matter :/ tried a bit of water but she just sicked it straight back up!

I wish I could put her down to get away but she's in with us and oh is asleep after being up with her most of the night too xx
I just kept feeding. Shes building up her supply and/or is in a strange world and wants to be comforted I've spent many a day chained to the sofa feeding LO!

AGree with pinkyprincess. If she is crying when you remove her from boob then just let her latch on again and keep going! xxx
I took your advice and just kept sticking her back on, she's still fighting sleep and keeps straining like she needs a massive fart but she's stopped screaming! So we're having cuddles and watching tele :) thank you for the help xx
So hard isn't it? The others are right though, just keep letting her suckle as it will benefit both of you, she will settle down and give you some sleep, make sure you nap when she does that's the important thing, housework and chores can wait! Eat and drink lots to keep your supplies up, it's easy to get dehydrated x
I think with breastfeeding you all have to be so strong. Hats off to you all!! It sounds so difficult xx
I think with breastfeeding you all have to be so strong. Hats off to you all!! It sounds so difficult xx

I don't think it's difficult and that was the preconception I had before Tyler was born and I think most people have that view. I see it more as a commitment. Maybe seeing it like that has made me cope more iykwim?

Yep totally agree with you pinky! Perseverance is the key! She's settled now and just got back from mw check and she's gained 6oz in 3days! So she's definitely getting what she needs which makes me feel a whole load better! :D xx

Glad LO is doing so well.

PP is right it is alot of commitment. You have to give yourself over completely for it to be successful and trust your body too xxx
I think there is a 10 day growth spurt. I remember going to a bf support group on day 10 and crying my eyes out because Owen had fed all night and I thought I didn't have enough milk. They put me at ease - definetly see if there is one near you.
It does get easier, lots easier so hang in there.
There is normally a growth spurt around 10 days and they will constantly suckle to increase the supply of milk. I know its super draining on your energy, My Lo is 14months now and I still remember those first few weeks where it was up and down a lot. Make sure you're drinking lots of water, eating properly and getting in as much sleep as possible-nap when LO naps if you can, if you get too worn down it can effort your supply.
Glad you got through it, remember that if it happens again.
Thanks ladies, last night was a whole lot better, my boobs went mega hard again though so think you're right about her suckling to increase my supply, it was literally pouring out of me when I was feeding her! I ended up soaked lol! She's a happy contented chappy again today, still feeding quite regular but sleeping well too, napping when she's napping so mummy isn't feeling so drained either, don't know why I didn't do that from the start tbh.. xx


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