Loss Of Weight


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2005
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A few weeks ago Charlie lost 2ozs but put 3 back on the following week but I had him weighed on Monday and he has lost 5 ozs, he is now 13lb 3oz. I feel so bad, the health visitor said I had nothing to worry about as he looks healthy and is sleeping through the night (from 8pm to 7am) and he wouldn't be doing this if he was hungry but i worry! I am breastfeeding him during the day and his last feed is a formula so I just worry that he's not getting enough in the day but he always seems content and if he's get irratable I feed him.

Has anyone else's little ones lost weight? x
Seren's weight gain slowed right down and halted, and I blamed myself but after speaking with others I know that breastfed babies do not put weight on like formula fed babies, and that the weight charts int he red books are usually based on formula fed babies. Breastfed babies tend to put on a lot of weight in the first 3 months but not as much after that, average gain is usually 4oz. Has Charlie grown more, been a bit off with a cold or something etc. I agree with your HV if he is alert, giving you plenty of wet and dirty nappies etc then he is doign good. I will now only take Seren to get weighed once a month unless I feel that there is something wrong as I was getting too worried about it.
Thanks Beanie, I get Charlie weighed every 2 weeks, the health visitor was really reassurring. I think Charlie is getting better, he seems to be losing his baby fat and he's getting more like a little boy now, he has had a bit of a cold the last week but also he's sleeping through now and is not getting a night feed which may make a difference as well. I will try not to worry so much! x

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