Worried :(


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Had Henry weighed this morning and he hasn't gained any weight at all in the past 2 weeks. The only good news is he hasn't lost any either.

So now I'm worried :( he was ill at the beginning of the week and has started puking quite a lot after a feed.

He is happy and smiley and active so I have no worries about him in that respect.

Just gonna worry myself sick the next two weeks :(
I have a feeling you are due a big growth spurt very soon :hug:
Try not to worry Hun sure he will make up for it over next couple of weeks all babys struggle with weight gain when poorly xxx

:hugs: what are the HV's saying hun? like ISH says hes prob due a growth spurt. have you noticed him getting longer? my hv said the weeks they get longer they dont gain as much weight as that uses up all their calories and energy.
Agree with the others he will shoot up all of a sudden as long as he is himself try not to worry
He is a lot longer. I'm gonna measure him later. They just said to get him weighed again in another 2 weeks. Said bein I'll does affect weight gain so just gotta sit tight for a couple of weeks.
Awwww :hugs: like the other ladies have said, I bet you're due a growth spurt. My hvs won't weigh you less than 4 weeks apart because they say babies put on weight so unevenly all they are looking for is an overall trend. X
Hey - exact same thing happened at last weight for dylan. HE was gaining weight so fast at the start - 10oz a week at times and then from wk 9 to 11, nothing. HV said about making him feed for longer to get the "fatty" milk - he has never fed for that long, even when gaining a lot, I think he's a fast eater! Also to try to boost my supply as he's not "getting what he needs". I didn't think there was anything wrong with my supply - seems to be plenty of milk. Felt awful and worried when I left. He's alert, smiley, happy etc so I'm not sure what was going on. Have spent the last week trying to pump him full of milk and getting him weighed again this afternoon. BTW I am arranging to meet a few maidstone mummies with LOs similar age to ours that I met on netmums next week - Thursday afternoon in town - welcome to come along if you fancy it?
Thanks bot I might do that. Depends when my DH is off work. Can u pm me the details and I'll let u know if I can make it. I have a baby group from 10:30-12 but can come down after that x
Awwww :hugs: like the other ladies have said, I bet you're due a growth spurt. My hvs won't weigh you less than 4 weeks apart because they say babies put on weight so unevenly all they are looking for is an overall trend. X

I was gonna say this. :hugs:

Gracie has been like this for weeks, she'll gain loads and then stay static for a couple weeks then gain again but she has shot up length wise. Had her weighed this afternoon and she had only put on 3 and a half oz in 2wks but has grown 3cm in that time. xx

Same thing happened with josh. Introduced a night time dream feed and that massively helped. What's his sleeping pattern like now?xx
He sleeps all night. Generally goes down between 8-9 and sleeps through till 6:30-8. He is a really good sleeper, very active and happy so they aren't worried about that aspect. Def gonna measure him later tho. My DH is tall ad skinny and I reckon Henry will be like that.

Just makes u feel crap when u feed them urself but he is always satisfied when he finishes eating or he would eat for longer.
I had a huge dent in my confidence the other week when G did this - but then the doc at her check up said that BF babies tend to gain weight in steps - so they will stay the same for a wee while - you're just waiting for him to shoot up.

Also our red book says weigh no more than once a month!!

I was furious that the hv we saw seemed to think there was cause for concern after i listened to the doc and read the book.

He sleeps all night. Generally goes down between 8-9 and sleeps through till 6:30-8. He is a really good sleeper, very active and happy so they aren't worried about that aspect. Def gonna measure him later tho. My DH is tall ad skinny and I reckon Henry will be like that.

Just makes u feel crap when u feed them urself but he is always satisfied when he finishes eating or he would eat for longer.

Do t forget if he's active he's burning calories. Please don't think he is not satisfied, he'd soon tell you if he wasn't!!

I know pinky and that's the only thing that's keepin me going! If he was constantly whingey I'd re-think but he isn't. He only cries when he needs changing, feeding or winding. He is generally a happy baby now the colic is better.
Gonna be a long 2 weeks!
Dylan put in 4oz this week so not a lot but not static. he has been fussing in the boob halfway through a feed and I'm not sure why. Anyway diff hv this week who said too much emphasis is put on weight, wet nappies and how baby seems are important too. She said she thinks babies are weighed too often, not too worry about it and to come back in a month. Feel a bit better now. I'll pm you re the get together. If any other local mums fancy it, let me know - not sure who else is Kent based.
Well just measured Henry and he is now (by our measurement) 61cm. That means he has grown 2cm in 4 weeks.

Now I feel a it better :D
ya grow in stages so there are bound to be weeks where he dosent put on much if anything, heck he might even lose a bit if he grows faster than he can keep up with. if hes gonna be tall and slim like your oh then id expect him to to get too pudgey lol

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