Loss in family.. Hurts soooo bad!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2010
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I Haven't had many losses in my family.

my mum arrived home from work early today.. Strange i thought.. She's a workaholic.

she came in and broke down into tears and told me the devastating news that my great grandad whos 98 years old has been told he won't make it til tomorrow and that we all need to go to the hospital to say goodbye.

i broke down in tears and my OH had to take Jack out
away from me.. Im in a right state.

i can't believe it!! Jack hasn't and now will never get to meet
his great-great grandad :( :( :(

i know his lived a great long life.. And his not been taken away by some hideous disease.. His just very old..

still up and can't sleep.. Not heard anymore news as yet and can't face going to the hospital as my dad said he keeps slipping in and out of sleep. And i don't want to see him hooked up to machines.. I want to remember him the way i saw him last when i was pregnant.

am i selfish for not going to say goodbye :(


Kylie and Baby Jack xxx
Poor you :( when my nana was in hospital last year we travelled from Sheffield to Brighton to see her. She died 36 hours later and it was the best decision we made. I don't remember her like that, but I am so pleased that she saw us all, including my mum (her daughter) before she died.

But, do what's right for you. It's a shame Jack won't meet him, :(

Thinking of you
Emma x
Of course your not selfish my love, he wouldn't of wanted to be remembered in that way, it doesn't matter how old loved are we still miss them terribly but I truly believe they go on to another peaceful place, no suffering and meet up with their loved ones and one day when it's our time we will meet them again xx
I went to the hospital to see my grandad just before he passed away and I do regret that as I now have a memory of him being very sick instead of the sprightly man everyone knew him to be. I know everyone says it but time IS a healer and everyday you will find it easier x he wouldn't want you to be sad Hun he would want to see you remembering him with a big smile on your face xxx
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Massive hugs x thinking of you and your family x
Thinking of u at this difficult time hon - big hugs and ur being so brave x x x
No your not sefish at all! Last November my gran who i absolutely loved to bits died of cancer. We were told she had days left and to say goodbye, i couldnt go, i was totally heartbroken and just thought 'what on earth do i say to her'. My dad talked me into going to see her, and all i did was cry while she held my hand. I am glad i went BUT my gran would have understood if i didnt go and so will your great grandad.My brother didnt go and see her and nobody thought any less of him. We all deal with this differently. I hope your ok and if you need a chat just msg me as i know how your feeling xxx
thank you sooo much girls..

he had a blood tranfusion this morning and has responded well.. Im still kind of expecting the worse but so happy his responding :)

im wishing for a christmas miracle xxx
I have everything crossed for a Christmas miracle for you chick, thinking of you xx

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