Losing weight???


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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OK so Im 5'4" - 5'5" and before I got pregnant I was about:

62kg = 9st 10lb ish
then I went to:

74kg = 11st 9lb
now down to:

71kg = 11st 2lb

So anyone else think this is unusual? Im not bothered bout the gaining thing but losing at 31 weeks Im not sure about do you think i should call MW jusy to make sure?
Is a little strange to loose half a stone, but did you wiegh at different time of day? Water retention can make a massive different morning and night. Also have you altered your diet? Maybe you piled on some fat then ate a bit healthier so your earlier stores are now being used up? Over how long did you lose the half stone? I've noticed my weight goes down a couple of pounds then up a few then down a few but just guessed it's water changes.
erm its been over about 2 weeks and I weigt myself naked in the morning (never brave enough at the end of the day). I eat generally healthilly although not strict on organic stuff but we are foodies and cook from scratch... all fresh ingredients. Ive even had chocolate over the last couple of weeks. I havent noticed eating less or differently either...could be water retention I suppose but half a stone as you say its a quite bit isnt it?
Bet it is water, I think it does start to reduce now as well. I would keep an eye on it and mention to midwife if it keeps going down over the next few days. If you feel ok and baby is moving lots it's probably nothing to worry about and your body is just adjusting itself to what is a comfortable weight for you. Although I'm hungry a lot of the time I can't eat so much now as there isn't the room, maybe you are eating less than you think.
yes I think youre right, I may be eating less without realising....from the beginning Ive had to be careful not to over eat and stuff coz it makes me feel sick but to lose half a stone....just spoken to MW and she said a couple of pounds ok but not half a stone...said I should see my doctor but its bank holiday so will have to wait til Monday :-/

Thanks for advice hun..oh yeah feel generally fine in myself and baby is kicking around ok so sure its all fine worrying about nothing hey xxx
Sure everything will be fine but best getting a check over anyway, let us know how it goes x
hi hun, how r u xx.. I would check with my midwife, have u been stressed recently etc? xx I have lost a little weight last week as I have been suffering so badly from heartburn and dont feel like eating anything at moment, but it sounds like u lost a bit.. x
Hey lovey Im alright thanks good to hear from you. Well this is going to sound really odd...OK so a friend of mine has had a fight with cancer for nearly 5 yrs now and she died yesterday, I managed to get to see her friday ...so its all odd as Im not overly upset, I keep thinking about her like all the time but havent really cried as I just think she was in soo much pain that...well you know what I mean... so its odd to think shes not going to be there anymore.... but think Ive been in a lot of denial which has been a great shock as Im normally so hyper aware of stuff happening with my emotions that its more of a shock that Im in denial over her death. Ive experienced death with grandparents etc but nothing like this not when shes just turned 40 and got married 2 yrs ago...so maybe the weight loss is linked with that. Im going to the docs tomorrow I think
xxx sorry for long response
i lost my mum to cancer 3 years ago, it was a big shock and i didnt cry for a couple of weeks after as i had sort of accepted it was the best thing, the funeral got me tho so be prepared for that. thinking of you xx
oh god Im sorry, I cant even imagine how hard that must have been for you. I think Im feeling relief at the moment that shes no longer in pain but just a bit numb, its her husband Im worried about but am keeping as close as I can without intruding. I thought I was being a cold mare but its in my head all day. My LO and I went to bed for a sleep this afternoon which has done me the world of good. I think Im still in denial not sure its an odd feeling xxx

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