loosing your plug?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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i had some pains in my hips last night, they were quite sore & woke me up.
i've just been out for a (non-alcoholic!) drink with OH and i got the pains again on & off, i ignored them & just put it down to baby lying uncomfortably. i went for a wee, and noticed that some of my plug had come away; quite a bit about the size of a 50p and it was really stretchy, it wasn't blood stained though. now i'm worried. what should i do?!
Losing your plug isn't always an indication labour will start any time soon, I lost mine 2 weeks ago and still nothing!! But because your only 31 weeks I'd say ring the delivery suite and see what they say, can never be too careful and it will put your mind at ease. Keep us updated
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Nothing unless you bleed or have severe pain Hun I lost mine weeks ago and LO refuses to budge despite the sweep yesterday. Any worrys call the labour suite though.
Yeh I agree! Quite a lot of people lose their plug early but I would ring the hospital just to be on the safe side!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
i rang them & they made me come in to get checked over. everything's fine :)
they said it's a bit early to have lost it, and they've no explanation for the pains, but, at least everything's ok!

the midwife also told me that according to the heartbeat i'm having a girl :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hello hun, iv lost mine already twice. once at 19 weeks, quite alot, then again 23 weeks (or something like that), that time there was a little more than the first time.. I showed OH and he was nearly :puke: haha!
I called my midwife and told her but because it was totaly clear she said not to worry and that it grows back :) x
i was also going to say i think it grows back coz ive been loosing bits for 4 weeks now... & last week i was told cervix was closed so wasnt any indicator for me :) its started to come away again so i pressumed it had grown back since the first time it came away... if that makes sense.

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