Looks like it's over before it's really begun


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2013
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Hi girls, I'm so gutted to be posting in here, after the joy of my first iui working it now looks like it's all over. I'm 5+1 today according to my iui dates but my digis haven't risen beyond 1-2 and a blood test yesterday showed a beta of 165 so very low. All my symptoms have gone today, I'm having another blood test on Monday and I'm expecting the numbers to have decreased. I'm on progesterone pessaries 400mg twice a day and the nurse it's probably preventing me from bleeding. I'll continue on it until Monday to make it official but when I stop it does anyone have any experience of how long it will be before I bleed? Xx
i cant help you im sorry but i just wanted to say im really sorry. i will hope that this has a happy ending fo you xxx
I have no experience of iui or pessaries but just wanted to say I'm thinking of u and keeping my fx that it's just needing time! Ru feeling ok other than knowing the blood is low? Z
Thank you xx all my symptoms have gone these past few days. Going by my first digi at 13dpo I should have a number of at least 800 by now and I still had 1-2 weeks today so it hadn't risen above 200. I know it's bad news, in limbo until Monday which is horrible xx
Dee hon I'm so sorry to read this, limbo is a horrible place to be :hugs:

When I stopped my progesterone after my first ivf, when I had a low hcg, I started to bleed within a couple of days.

So horrible to have such elation that it's worked, then to get horrible low numbers.

Massive hugs.

I'm so sorry, I hate to be negative but when we fell pregnant I just had a gut feeling it wouldn't work out u kno? I like to think it was 'mothers instinct' - makes me feel closer to our little one.

How long have u been trying dee? Xx
Thank you mishi and thanks Lynne xx we've been trying for number 2 for nearly 2 years with a host of problems diagnosed along the way. We have to fund private treatment ourselves and against the odds out first iui worked, I felt so blessed...and now this, I'm heartbroken xx
Oh sweetie I'm so sorry to read this :( I was absolutely over the moon for you that your iui worked, I really hope there is just some sort of glitch with the numbers and that things work out but I know it's not good either having false hopes, and hanging around in limbo for a few days must feel like a lifetime. Will keep my fingers crossed for you regardless and hope for a little miracle snuggling up in there. Xx
I'm sorry u are going through this. Limbo is a horrid place to be. Thinking of u.
Im sorry you have had to go through this!!xx
How ru feeling dee? R ur next bloods tomorrow morn? X
I feel totally normally physically and a total wreck emotionally. I've spent hours googling miracle stories, driving myself crazy. My next blood test is tomorrow so I should get the result back before 5pm, I just hope it's not inconclusive, not sure I can bear days more of this xx
The number is only 221.9 so it's barely risen and they've recommended I contact the early pregnancy unit as it might be an ectopic, so i rung them but it's closed now so guess I'll just call back tomorrow. If I lose my one good tube I'll be totally devastated. I'm so worried this is all going to cause complications and delays to trying again, urgh :-(
I'm so sorry to hear your news and I'll keep my fingers crossed for u x
Well it's definitely over, there's still a question mark whether it's ectopic but for the moment we're hoping it will resolve itself naturally now I'm off the progesterone. I'm to go back to the epu in a week for a scan and blood test, urgh :-(
So sorry Dee. At least you have some kind of answer even if it's not the one any one wanted. I hope the next week goes as smoothly as is possible for something like this. I have read that even a lot of ectopics end on their own without intervention. Hugs
Aw Dee I'm so sorry, life is so cruel and unfair sometimes. I struggle to get my head round why these things happen to lovely people who would make great mummies. I hope you get some answers and can try again soon. Thinking about you xxx
Thank you girls xx gutted Cosmo that we won't be getting far together but I'll be checking in on as the months roll by xx

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