Well, it's over for me


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Well I don't think I'm PG this time round. Been getting light brown streaks on the tissue paper when I wipe after a pee since CD21, turning to dark brown today and also have to wear a panty liner today.
And even more embarrassing - after we BD'd 3 nights ago there was blood...bright red and looked like a fair bit although prob not as much as it seemed. It had compleatey stopped by the morning and has been no red blood since.
This slight spotting has been happening now every month on CD21 since June and if week have sex in the week prior to AF and I orgasm I bleed the bright red blood, but if I don't orgasm I don't bleed. Doesn't happen any other time of the month just the week b4 AF.
I had an eroding cervix this time last year that I had treatment for. Do you think the bleeding and spotting could be from my cervix and not my menstral blood?
The nurse whp did my swabs said if I'm not PG by christmas to go back toher and she'll do bloods to test my hormone levels and other things like thyriod so will see next month and go back.
hi hun all i can say is i only had bleeding after sex twice, ended up going to docs for tests as wasnt trying to concieve and it turned out i was pg so fingers crossed for u
but from what mary said it sounds like you might still have a chance, or the reason you bleed may be something completly different from af, it may be a small tear inside or something that keeps opening up also when you orgasm the blood supply is increased down there so that might be why it bleeds??? :think:
good luck
I said the same to Rob the other day. I think it's coming from my cervix as it only happens when I orgasm, but hen again why does it only happen in the week leading up to AF and never at any other time of month? Unless it's the increase in hormones at AF time :think:
i was told it was due to high hormone levels
I've no experience of this so can't really help, but am sending you a huge hug and tonnes of baby dust. :hug: :hug:

Also am very jealous of all these orgasms you're having... care to loan out your OH ;)
i had bleeding during pregnancy due to cervical erosion, they said it was because of the increased blood flow around your body, so maybe there is also increased blood flow just before AF is due as your body gets itself ready for a possible pregnancy and thats why you get the bleeding? xxx

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