Looking for tips


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2016
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So my other half has agreed that we'll start trying in the new year for a baby, but he's not a planner and feels it'll happen when it happens and you can get pregnant anytime of the month.....i know that's not strictly true but I gotta let it go otherwise he won't even try.

So, I hear alot about ovulation predictor kits? What are they? How do they work? Etc cos I think I sometimes ovulate earlier then what my app says, cos I know about the discharge and it can be quite alot and sometimes I get that wet feeling in my undies a few days before my app says I'm due to ovulate but sometimes it's correct too....my cycle is quite short too....24/26 days so pretty much I come off my period and I'm almost fertile right away.....my plan is to work out when I'm ovulating and seduce him like 24 hours before....if that's how the kits work? So atleast I know once a month I'm giving it a chance as I've not had a kid yet so don't even know if I can get pregnant so yeah....best tips ladies.

He's got a 9 year old daughter whose almost 10 now but in the years with his ex they did drugs and drank alot....but hasn't touched drugs since a little while before we got together which is 3 years now....well we've been together 3 years he's been drugs free a little over 3 years....bit he's been on anti depressants for a while now and other pills like pain meds and stuff, could that affect his sperm count and is there anything we can do to help it?
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OPKs are just ovulation tests. You can get cheap strips on Amazon. They test for the LH surge which is what happens 12-36 hrs before ovulation (it triggers ovulation). You wanna dtd in good time for ovulation, so you really wanna start before the pos opk. EWCM (egg white cervical mucus- the clear stretchy kind) means you are fertile. So if you start dtd every other day when you get that as well as checking the opks you should be good.

And no it's not true that you can get pregnant any time! It's only during the fertile window. Awww bless....why don't so many men know that? Still best not to put pressure on him...I think your plan is a good one!

I think if he's on antidepressants it may be a good idea to ask the GP about TTC. Apparently men taking SSRIs can have a drop in sperm counts. He may need to come off them, I don't know.
OPKs are just ovulation tests. You can get cheap strips on Amazon. They test for the LH surge which is what happens 12-36 hrs before ovulation (it triggers ovulation). You wanna dtd in good time for ovulation, so you really wanna start before the pos opk. EWCM (egg white cervical mucus- the clear stretchy kind) means you are fertile. So if you start dtd every other day when you get that as well as checking the opks you should be good.

And no it's not true that you can get pregnant any time! It's only during the fertile window. Awww bless....why don't so many men know that? Still best not to put pressure on him...I think your plan is a good one!

I think if he's on antidepressants it may be a good idea to ask the GP about TTC. Apparently men taking SSRIs can have a drop in sperm counts. He may need to come off them, I don't know.

I've showed him proof that I can only conceive during a very short period, but he said he'd feel under pressure to perform if we had to do it like at certain dates.

His anti depressants were high dosage but he's slowly weaning off them now...he was on 200mg and now 100mg but is dropping to 50mg in the next few weeks and then the Dr will monitor him on 50s for a while.

He won't go to the Dr about sperm count, it's hard enough to get him to even have sex, let alone come at him with sperm count checks and such. I just gotta keep myself to myself for the next few weeks....im due on my period like at new year unfortunately (so no fun new years sex haha) and go from there after.

Have you got a link to the best ovulation tests on Amazon and I'll order them so they'll be here for the new year haha
These are good cheapies https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001G7STT0/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The other problem with antidepressants is that they tend to kill sex drive. I'd keep the ovulation tests away from him and don't talk about fertile windows etc.

That's good that his dosage is coming down. It's worth him discussing that he is TTC with his GP given he is still on antidepressants but it sounds like he might not be up for that.

OPKs can put a lot of pressure on the man to perform...it's so hard not to pressurise...I've had times where I've stupidly waved them at him....
These are good cheapies https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001G7STT0/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The other problem with antidepressants is that they tend to kill sex drive. I'd keep the ovulation tests away from him and don't talk about fertile windows etc.

That's good that his dosage is coming down. It's worth him discussing that he is TTC with his GP given he is still on antidepressants but it sounds like he might not be up for that.

OPKs can put a lot of pressure on the man to perform...it's so hard not to pressurise...I've had times where I've stupidly waved them at him....

Yeah, I won't be letting him see them haha he doesn't even know I snuck pregnancy tests into the house a few months back when I was late once haha I still have two tests in the bedroom, but my side of the bed in a bag with other girly stuff, he won't go near that bag!

Maybe I'll suggest he speaks to his Dr about it incase anything else he is on could affect it, his two main pills are Sertraline and Amitryptiline others are pain killers or pills to settle his stomach thanks to the other pills.

It was only 2 weeks ago when he said he'd start thinking about it but was unsure as he would like time alone with me but cos he has a daughter he's not in a rush.....then yesterday at my slimming club I held a ladies baby, so adorable and I text him in a jokey way saying 'I just held a baby, so cute....let's try for our own in the new year's and he replied 'I'm I was so over the moon haha

We've had a very rough relationship, nothing of our own doing though, all outside factors and people and it's only been the last 6 months the big stress has gone and now we're fighting to see his daughter. His little Girl wants to be a big sister too so we'd like to do it for her aswell cos she really wants it and think it would be good for her now she's older
Awww...good luck hon. Sounds like you've have a rough time. I totally get outside factors causing stress - we've had a lot of that too.

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