Looking for info about ttc again after misscarriage


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Hey ladies,
I found out I was pregnant and was over the moon after trying for 5-6 months and finally happening, 5 days after finding out I was pregnant I started bleeding (sunday 3rd nov) the hospital gave me a emergency scan for Thursday 7th .... I had the scan and there was nothing there and the nurses took blood and confirmed I miscarried as my hormone levels were dropping...... They said I could start trying again as soon as I felt ready and I feel ready now but what i really want to no is.... Ovulation happens? I mean when do I ovulate do I start counting from when I missed my period of when I started bleeding from the miscarriage..... Also has anyone had luck in conceiving again straight after a misscarriage?

Many thanks xx
I'm sorry for your loss. Hugs.

I had a miscarriage at the beginning of October and I'm pretty sure that I ovulated (based upon EWCM) 14-15 days after I first started bleeding, and about 2 days after I stopped bleeding. AF arrived 14 days after that. I didn't think that I would ovulate so soon, as I was still under the EPAU's care because my beta HCG was high. I'd been tested two days before and bHCG was ~120, and two days later it was still ~25. The doctor said it was possible to ovulate with HCG still in your system, especially if you've come down from quite a high level (my initial levels were 5000+). Sadly, we didn't get pregnant immediately, but fingers crossed for this cycle. I hope you do!
Thank you very much for the info I was just mainly confused as to if I ovulate from missed period or from when I started bleeding from the miscarriage xx
So sorry to hear your loss. I had three miscarriages in a year and the last one was in June. Two weeks later I was pregnant again and currently 22 and a bit weeks, therefore I must have ovulated from last period V from miscarriage bleed. I've seen a few ladies on here who have been in the same position x
I've got ovulation tests but they still aren't showing anything and I'm not sure if I ovulate every month I'm still so confused lol
Hey hun, I had miscarriage at 10 weeks on 15th oct, had d&c, I have been using ovulation strips and got a positive today. Everyone is different, I would give it 2 weeks or so then start trying again, or get ovulation tests and see what happens. x
Thanks Hun I've got some ovulation tests nothing as of yet but my cycle is roughly 40 days so I should be ovulation anytime from now xx
Hey Emilylou, just wondered how you got on this month? I also had a miscarriage on the 3rd November which was about 6 days after I found out and would have been 5 weeks. Doctor said same to me that I could try again without waiting. I stopped bleeding on CD6 (counting the day the m/c started as CD1) and I ov'd on the 17th. I got a BFP at 10DPO and everything seemed good, I reached the 5 week point and felt a bit odd but couldn't say what really, doctor said my blood pressure was a bit high but nothing to worry about and said I should be done. Next day I started spotting and by the evening I had had the full m/c. Again the doctor has said I can try right away if I want but I'm not sure, I feel like it's just tempting fate to try for a third back to back. But our plan is just to not try but not prevent either.

So how are things with you?
Well tbh my period hasn't come this month and I'm usually 30-40 days and it's now day 48 and my tests are negative :( feel abit miserable..... Spoken to the doctors as I'm over a week late and I had spotting 2 weeks ago that last less then 2 days and only lined tissue so I'm abit confused myself and the doctor seems to have no answers
Subscribing to this thread as I'm in the same boat. I MC on 7th Dec. By 14th Dec I was getting neg pregnancy test. Decided to do an OPK and got faint line (!) Had bloods done at EPC on 18th Dec and they were down to 49.. Really not sure what to expect now! I guess I'll just have to wait for AF
I feel like things are a bit more all over the place this second time - temps are a bit crazy, OPKs will be looking like they are almost positive on cd8 then back to negative day 9 and day 10 look like they are getting stronger again. Feel much more relaxed this month but can't say I feel like everything is totally doing what it should!
Hope you are all looking forward to Christmas a bit - I'm finding it hard to be enthusiastically festive all the time but managing some of the time :)
Hi I had a misscarriage in mid sept.. it took 2 months for my HCG levels to return to zero, and my bleeding was all over the place! I felt myself ovulating 14 days after my levels returned to normal, but decided to wait until my next normal period (which was really hard to do trust me) just so I could know for certain what my dates were if I did get pregnant, generally that is whats recommended, and I got pregnant straight away! Found out xmas morning. It really put my mind at rest to wait till my next normal period because now i know exactly when my conception date is xx
Well I'm on day 58 without having a period.... I spotted for about a day and even then I can't really call it spotting just a brownish colour discharge (sorry for grossing everyone out) still nothing and still no ovulation I don't think and the doctors aren't concerned about it :/
Hey, I miscarried at 11 weeks and we started trying straight away as I know you are more fertile straight after a miscarriage. 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant again.

To start with my GP wasn't sure if I was actually pregnant again or if my hormones hadn't gone down yet, but after a scan it was all confirmed. I was warned that due to miscarrying quite late, then falling pregnant so quickly, the lining of my womb may not have thinned sufficiently so we were quite worried for a while. But all fine in the end.
Hey ladies once again I need some help I did a ovulation test this morning that looks positive but the lines don't match in size but the colour is the same can u help? :(


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I dont know much about ovulation tests sorry... but no harm in dtd!! Did you ever get answers from the docs about your late period? I know it can take a while for body to get back to normal after a miscarriage. Hoping you catch your egg!! xx
All depends really! With my first mc, counting from the day everything came away, 2 weeks later neg pregnancy test and then 2 weeks after that period came so for me it was a 'normal' cycle.

If you're getting a positive ov test every day it may be that your hcg levels still haven't dropped.
My friend ovulated with a small level of hcg so it is possible.

With my last mc, i wasn't as far along but took 2 months for my period to arrive so try not to worry if you're finding it hard to track. I found it easier to wait for my period so that
I knew where i stood :) xxx
Hey ladies once again I need some help I did a ovulation test this morning that looks positive but the lines don't match in size but the colour is the same can u help? :(

I know it's probably a bit late now but i would have guessed that if you had tested the next day it would have been positive. The line on the left should be as dark as the control line, for some people it's a lot darker. Xxxx
By the way, the trying to conceive section might be better than here to post as i don't know
If people check here that often. Plus you can post all of your ov tests and have cycle buddies, some of the ladies are real experts :) xxx
Yes it was a positive ovulation ladies as the surge dropped 2 days after and thanks for the help the doctor never found out why I didn't come on my period that month he wasn't concerned about it both doctors I saw weren't concerned about it at all.... I'm hoping to conceive again but the 2nd doctor I saw about my period not turning up actually refered me to the hospital to have some tests done to find out why I'm not being able to conceive so hopefully I'll get some answers soon xx

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