Im trying again after a miscarriage 6 weeks ago. I've just ovulated and been trying a lot to hopefully get pregnant this cycle
anyone else in the same boat? hows it going for you? x
i've been off the pill for 2 months… got normal withdrawal bleed and a period 28days laters but nothing for 6weeks… now 2 weeks late technically but bfn so just think my body is a bit confused!
Had a mc back in June but my cycles still haven't settled down. I'm on CD32 now and not ovd yet Desperate to be pg by our mc due date, which is Jan, but it is looking unlikely now.
Hi bunny
I ovulated on Friday (12th Dec) so I'm 3dpo now. This is my second cycle since my miscarriage. FF app tells me to test on Christmas Day - wouldn't that be a wonderful Christmas prezzie! when do you plan to test?
Summer - that's the same as me! I have an app and it tells me to test xmas day! Only 9 more days I'm thinking I will test on Christmas day - what about you?
Snowbee - sorry to hear your having trouble! Hope it's sorts itself out soon
Summer - that's the same as me! I have an app and it tells me to test xmas day! Only 9 more days I'm thinking I will test on Christmas day - what about you?
Snowbee - sorry to hear your having trouble! Hope it's sorts itself out soon
I'm undecided. If I get BFN I'll be disappointed on Christmas day but if I get BFP I'll be anxious (due to previous miscarriage) so my options are spending Christmas Day either disappointed, anxious or in ignorant bliss ... I know ignorant bliss is most sensible and I should just enjoy Christmas day and maybe test Boxing Day if AF hasn't arrived but ... I JUST WANT TO PEE ON A STICK SO BAD!!
oh that is a good idea!! i actually feel like that a bit too.. maybe ill do that too, especially as i have night shift on the 25th and 26th. i know.. I'm counting down the days, trying not to obsess about it but i know i am!
Oh poor you - a night shift on Christmas Day!
Anyone started symptom spotting yet? ...
I know exactly what you mean, Trying so hard to be good but I had a couple of symptoms before my last bfp and can't help trying to look out for them. I know every pregnancy can be different though so I shouldn't compare ...
Yep! That's the Job I have
I am wondering whether I am imaging symptoms, my boobs are sore sometime, and I thought maybe I felt sick today. Wishful thinking?
You never know hun! Fingers crossed.
I know last time I had nothing until about 5/6 days before bfp. Then I noticed my boobs were sore (not unusual for me - but it's always side boob) that time it was my nipples that were really sore. But the most weird sign was that I woke up with a stuffy nose - blew it and instead of snot it was blood! I've never had a nose bleed in my life! The rest of the day I could taste the infamous 'metallic taste' but I think it was where I was asleep and the blood had gone down my throat - GROSS! Anyway it was just the once and never developed into a cold or anything - it was only after I'd already got my bfp that I googled it and some say nosebleeds are a pregnancy sign - something to do with blood vessels dilating.
Anyway no symptoms at all for me yet ...
not all pregnancies have symptoms... so fingers crossed we have those! i think I'm feeling all these things that are normal aches and pains but cos I'm TTC i automatically assume they are baby related! counting down now to testing....
I didn't have any symptoms until I was 5 weeks last time so not too worried about symptom spotting. Too early for me anyway as I think I'm only 3dpo! Going to test NYE even though AF won't be due until the Friday as then I'll have an idea if I should be drinking or not...
Good idea snowbee
I think it's a blessing and a curse knowing, every time I have an ache or pain I worry... Now I'm counting down to a scan although that didn't go well last time! Argh
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