looking for a TTC buddy (or buddies!)


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2012
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Im trying again after a miscarriage 6 weeks ago. I've just ovulated and been trying a lot to hopefully get pregnant this cycle :)
anyone else in the same boat? hows it going for you? :) x
sorry to hear about your miscarriage…

i've been off the pill for 2 months… got normal withdrawal bleed and a period 28days laters but nothing for 6weeks… now 2 weeks late technically but bfn so just think my body is a bit confused!

good luck hun :)
We are ttc our first :)

Had a mc back in June but my cycles still haven't settled down. I'm on CD32 now and not ovd yet :( Desperate to be pg by our mc due date, which is Jan, but it is looking unlikely now.

Fx for you!
Hi bunny :wave:
I ovulated on Friday (12th Dec) so I'm 3dpo now. This is my second cycle since my miscarriage. FF app tells me to test on Christmas Day - wouldn't that be a wonderful Christmas prezzie! when do you plan to test?
I bunny, can't be your cycle hubby but just wanted to wish you luck... Xx
Summer - that's the same as me! I have an app and it tells me to test xmas day! Only 9 more days :) I'm thinking I will test on Christmas day - what about you?

Snowbee - sorry to hear your having trouble! Hope it's sorts itself out soon
Summer - that's the same as me! I have an app and it tells me to test xmas day! Only 9 more days :) I'm thinking I will test on Christmas day - what about you?

Snowbee - sorry to hear your having trouble! Hope it's sorts itself out soon

I'm undecided. If I get BFN I'll be disappointed on Christmas day but if I get BFP I'll be anxious (due to previous miscarriage) so my options are spending Christmas Day either disappointed, anxious or in ignorant bliss ... I know ignorant bliss is most sensible and I should just enjoy Christmas day and maybe test Boxing Day if AF hasn't arrived but ... I JUST WANT TO PEE ON A STICK SO BAD!! :rotfl:
oh that is a good idea!! :) i actually feel like that a bit too.. maybe ill do that too, especially as i have night shift on the 25th and 26th. i know.. I'm counting down the days, trying not to obsess about it but i know i am!
Oh poor you - a night shift on Christmas Day!
Anyone started symptom spotting yet? ... :whistle:
I know exactly what you mean, Trying so hard to be good but I had a couple of symptoms before my last bfp and can't help trying to look out for them. I know every pregnancy can be different though so I shouldn't compare ...
Yep! That's the Job I have :)
I am wondering whether I am imaging symptoms, my boobs are sore sometime, and I thought maybe I felt sick today. Wishful thinking? :)
You never know hun! Fingers crossed.
I know last time I had nothing until about 5/6 days before bfp. Then I noticed my boobs were sore (not unusual for me - but it's always side boob) that time it was my nipples that were really sore. But the most weird sign was that I woke up with a stuffy nose - blew it and instead of snot it was blood! I've never had a nose bleed in my life! The rest of the day I could taste the infamous 'metallic taste' but I think it was where I was asleep and the blood had gone down my throat - GROSS! Anyway it was just the once and never developed into a cold or anything - it was only after I'd already got my bfp that I googled it and some say nosebleeds are a pregnancy sign - something to do with blood vessels dilating.
Anyway no symptoms at all for me yet ... :clock:
not all pregnancies have symptoms... so fingers crossed we have those! :) i think I'm feeling all these things that are normal aches and pains but cos I'm TTC i automatically assume they are baby related! :) counting down now to testing....
I didn't have any symptoms until I was 5 weeks last time so not too worried about symptom spotting. Too early for me anyway as I think I'm only 3dpo! Going to test NYE even though AF won't be due until the Friday as then I'll have an idea if I should be drinking or not...
Good idea snowbee :)
I think it's a blessing and a curse knowing, every time I have an ache or pain I worry... Now I'm counting down to a scan although that didn't go well last time! Argh :)

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