looking around labour ward

I got a date sent through with block of parenthood classes for my tour of the maternity unti and its this sunday at 9am eek xx
Mine was booked for my 24 week check which they did when I wad there.

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I wouldn't like to not have a window, I think I'd overheat!! x

I'd hate to not have a window... Like cabin fever...!!!xx

That's what I thought when my MW mentioned it! Hospitals are normally pretty warm, and towards the end of July it could easily be really hot (although the way the weather is now I guess this might not be a problem!) - and you could be stuck in there for a really long time :(

It would feel like a prison cell! x
I wouldnt mind no windows. I doubt I will care about that... Maybe after labour it will be important but during labour I don't see how I would even notice lol. But If the room has windows it better has curtains too because I will feel so exposed and vulnerable with windows in the room lol
Ive been to labour ward for monitoring and the room I was in only had little windows at the top like above my height! Am hoping the delivery rooms arnt like that!

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
I was supposed to go to mine on Monday but had to postpone cuz I was sick, so its this Monday instead.

I'll feel much better after I see it and know the surroundings of where I'll be giving birth x
Our hospital also stopped doing them.
I went for a visit when I had DD and to be honest it was no help to me at all, so I wasnt bothered this time anyway.
Each to their own though.
I wanted to see where I'd be giving birth but our hospital stopped doing tours - if anybody knows what
Torbay is like please let me know! X
I was given a number and told to arrange a date. Unfortunately when we went the delivery suite was shut to us cos they had a few emergencies on there n it was really busy. There were so many people who turned up for the tour we had to be split into 2 groups.

We got to see the ward for afterwards and the birthing room on the MLU so it wasn't a complete waste. my OH was happy cos he at least got to see the entrance where he needs to take me and seen how to get in. I started to feel so overheated n ill on the ward tho.

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