Lonley...coping on your own...


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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Afternoon all,

My OH works strange hours inc nights and weekends and i find myself alone in the house alot of the time, i try to get myself motivated by doing cleaning, studying, orangising etc but sometimes i feel like i want him home so i can fuss over him, cook for him and stuff and i love being house wife! lol

I don't have alot of friends and they are usually busy, my family are always busy they have loads and loads on! lol

I expect a lot of you are the same so...

how do you cope alone with you little??
Is it easy to make new friends as a mum?

My hubby is away between 4-5wks at a time for his work then only home for between 10-14days (he works on the oil rigs), I have started taking Arianna to a dance class so have made some great friends with some of the Mums there. Also I posted on netmums the other day and have had replies already so gonna meet up with some of them in the next week or two.
aww I know how you feel hun, your not on your own.

My DH is in the army and he can be away for weeks and months at a time. We just moved over to Cyprus and like you I dont have any friends and family round me atm. I just started working so this helps me to get out and get some adult converstaion and now that my son is at school Ive started talking to a few of the other mums.

Before this I used to go to the Mum and tot groups and they were quite good or like SarahH, some of the forums, such as this one have been invaluable.

Keep your chin up, things will get better Im sure :hug: :hug:
It must be hard for you both. I feel like i'm moaning about nothing now! - I didnt mean to moan!

Sounds like netmums is somwhere i should look at for the future!

Do you find keeping you and your little one busy and active helps?
Baby-Briggsy said:
It must be hard for you both. I feel like i'm moaning about nothing now! - I didnt mean to moan!

Sounds like netmums is somwhere i should look at for the future!

Do you find keeping you and your little one busy and active helps?

Defo!! I try to do something with Arianna everyday, whether it is taking her somewhere or just baking cakes with her or finger painting, keeps her mind active as well as my own!

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