Long time no speak ladies...


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Im back from my hols very tired as i havent had any sleep for over 24hrs but i had to log on and say hi, we had a great time, the weather was gorg, hit 38oC a few days and by the movements ive been getting off little missy she has enjoyed herself too! So what have I missed in the world of pf and tri-2? Fill me in please ladies.
Ps Hi to all the newbies and goodluck to all the ladies moving to tri-3, id be here allday trying to catch up individually! x x

Welcome back! :wave: Sounds like you had a lovely time :) x x
Thanks ladies :) it was fab but its great to be back home, even if I cant get warm!! (written while snuggled up in my jarmies and dressing gown)
Come on, i want gossip, what have I missed?? x x

:wave: glad you had a good time, got back from my hols on monday. My lil madam seemed to enjoy it too! lol
Sounds like you had a brilliant time.... Welcome back to lovely rainy Britain!
Glad you had a nice holiday, lucky for some!

Well, Tiffs constipated and would really like to go to the toilet but other than that, everything's Grand my way! xxx
Good to see you, sounds like you had a nice time! Not much been happening on here, just the usual aches and pains for most people and a few updates on which team people are on. All I seem to do is eat or think about food just now! Oh Tillys been on with a couple of posts you might be able to find, lovely to hear how she and baby are doing.
:yay: Welcome back hun x Glad you had such a good time on holiday! xx :love: x
:wave: Welcome back! Glad you've had a great time. I've missed seeing you here xx
Thanks for the updates ladies, ive flicked through some of the posts and commented on a few but then realised ill be all day!
Ive missed you all loads and cant wait to catch up properly :) Also I need to make an update to the october mummies thread as it looks like we have a few updates (will do this when I can get on the computer) x x


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