Long day yesterday


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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Had a hell of a day yesterday!
On the way to a MW appointment yesterday I got a sharp pain in my right side, so I mentioned it to the MW and she said it was probably ligament pain, and to take some paracetamol and rest when I got home, but if the pain got worse to phone. So I did exactly that when I got home, and very quickly the pain got worse to the point I was in tears, it felt like someone had stabbed me ans twisted the knife, so my OH phoned MW and was asked to go back in. She checked my stomach and listened into bubs. Bubs was fine but my side was very tender to touch. So she phoned the nearest main hospital for advice (ours is just a small midwife led unit, our nearest hospital is 66 miles away) and they wanted me to go up for scans to rule out appendisitis and kidney problems just to be on the safe side. Was told I would be in overnight so went home and packed a bag and an ambulance collected me from my house. By the time we got to the hospital the pain had completely gone, and so all the consultant done was feel my stomach (and by feel I mean he basically just placed his hand on it) and told me as the pain had gone I was fine and sent me home. Had to wait 2hrs for my mum to come up and collect me as they wouldn't provide me with transport home so was knackered byt the time I got home. I know it's better to be safe than sorry but I feel it was such a waste of a journey and paramedics time. I have since had slight pains on and off since getting home last night, but spoke to my own midwife today and she has said to have plenty of rest as she thinks I've just over done it, which I agree with. But I would have thought after sending me all that way to rule out anything more serious out they would have done more than just feel my stomach, feel a bit peeved tbh. x
I had EXACTLY the same pain hun and ended up going to A&E too. By the time I got there the pain had gone and I felt OK again - nightmare! Sounds like it was just ligament pain after all but I know how scary it is. At least we know what it is for next time, eh?! xxx

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