long cycles


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2011
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Just wondered if anyone is in here just because of having long cycles. Mine are very long and have been trying since July 09. X
Me :)
My longest cycle was 69 days. GP had diagnosed irregular ovulation and referred me to a fertility clinic.

How long are your cycles? x
They are up and down but since about march we have tried forgetting almost and just bd'ing as an when. However we have a perfect house now so back to ttc. Last cycle started end of September and am on again now which isn't to bad for me.

How long you been ttc hun? X
They are up and down but since about march we have tried forgetting almost and just bd'ing as an when. However we have a perfect house now so back to ttc. Last cycle started end of September and am on again now which isn't to bad for me.

How long you been ttc hun? X
I came off the pill Dec 2010 and been trying ever since really. x
Well done for getting doctors to refer you then! Mine are rubbish. I find waiting for cycles frustrating! Xx
Will doctors not refer you?

I decided to go as my cycles hadnt settled since coming off the pill and I'd always been regular previously. I decided to see a lovely lady GP who has children and who's interest is in women's health. As it worked out I was in the middle of a 57 day cycle when I saw her, which I think helped as well as my numerous trips for period/absence problems.
I was very confused with cycles varying from 27-69 days I also found it very frustrating especially on the longer cycles. x
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Well previously when I've been its because when I have a period its awful heavy and beyond painful, all I've been offered is the coil! I said that I've been ttc and they gave me a tablet to help with pain without being contraceptive but was not interested at all in why its been so long. I know I should go but they probably just say loose weight and so on dx
:( Oh no thats not good.

I'd go back and tell them you'd like some investigations done as you've been trying for so long. x
Hi bubbea, I agree with charlie you should try and speak to a GP because long cycles can be a result of something like PCOS. It's definitely worth getting a referral or an ultrasound scan or something. Good luck xxx
Yeah I have been tested for pcos but bloods came back clear a few years ago but they said its not impossible which helps with nothing lol.
I think personally I have it! How are you helping pcos with
my first cycle after coming off the pill was 147 days my second was 128 days and im currently in my third cycle which is 76 days so far!! Was referred to infertility clinic after 7 months of ttc.

they have pretty much diagnosed pcos but they are doing hycosy scans and semen analysis tests on oh just to rule out any other problems!! you should def go back to your gp xx
I have one a year so about..... 360 days... it sucks
Nicky that sounds like mine after coming off the pill. After three long cycles I had three in a row about 8weeks so thought was becoming regular but then had one in Feb, may, September and now this year :( xx
Its crap isnt it! I think what makes it worse is i sometimes get symptoms of my period arriving but then it never comes to anything!! Really bloody frustrating! xx
Sorry for late reply but yes I get exactly the same I get tummy aches and since coming off pill spots so it feels just like a period it just isn't there which is irritating! X

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