London meet


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Hi I couldnt see the thread in here about it. But am I wrong that we are going to Latimer street tube station? Which has no disabled/buggy access? Or am i getting mixed up? :?
Hi Cassi - there is a thread about this in General Discussion - it seems as though we are meeting at that station - hope it does have access as I'm bringing Oliver in his buggy!!!
Emmerdale said:
Hi Cassi - there is a thread about this in General Discussion - it seems as though we are meeting at that station - hope it does have access as I'm bringing Oliver in his buggy!!!

ohh oki forgot it was there! Well i just looked on the map and there is no sign for disabled access at that station? :? hence me i missing something? id be taking the buggy too....?
Thats part of the reason why i cannot come, i feel carrying Harry in the buggy on an escalator would be too dangerous and up the stairs
im just gonna make someone help me up the stairs, dont see why i should miss out cos people are too ignorant to help a mum with her buggy up the stairs!
on the other hand, i will only have a small change bag, jamie and the buggy which i can fold up with one hand so its not impossible for me!!
YAY! :cheer: I can come, My OH said he will come along with me so he can help with the buggy etc... Is that ok if my OH comes?

EDIT: Would it be ok if some PM'd me their number so i can keep in contact with them about the meet on the day etc...?
I am also going to ask for help. Princess Puddles I can give you my number once I get one in the UK at the weekend :)
Its escalators at most tube stations and they are very are also not allowed to block them, people standing must be to the right and leave space for people walking/running up on the left....

And personally I wouldnt feel happy slinging Jakob in London especially on the tubes because they get so crammed....otherwise I would wear my sling....
There is a call for assistance button you can press at every station to get help but if there is an alternative place people want to meet that's fine by me. I plan to bring my sling and buggy so I can wear Leorah in the sling at the station. 11am was the meeting time so we could all avoid rush hour both ways :)

I would have bought my DH along too but he is claustrophobic and doesn't do the tube.
skatty said:
There is a call for assistance button you can press at every station to get help but if there is an alternative place people want to meet that's fine by me. I plan to bring my sling and buggy so I can wear Leorah in the sling at the station. 11am was the meeting time so we could all avoid rush hour both ways :)

I would have bought my DH along too but he is claustrophobic and doesn't do the tube.

ohh thanks I didnt know that and good idea!!! I will feel much safer withthe sling aswell for the station!! Its just cause I get scared on those escalators by myself hehe :oops: :oops:
I am probably meeting Katysmummy at Waterloo if she's still coming but where are you coming from because we could also meet you somewhere on the way.
skatty said:
I am probably meeting Katysmummy at Waterloo if she's still coming but where are you coming from because we could also meet you somewhere on the way.

Coming from reading hun...I will have a look at the table later...monkey just woke up :D
im bring adam (my oh). i have to change at liverpool street station if anyone wants to meet there first.

ooo... its only a week tomorrow! :cheer:
i may bring OH, might have to hide him from the kids playarea cos he will prob try get in the ballpit or somethin :oops: i have two kids- jamie and him lol!!! :rotfl:
mummykay said:
i may bring OH, might have to hide him from the kids playarea cos he will prob try get in the ballpit or somethin :oops: i have two kids- jamie and him lol!!! :rotfl:

mmm... that is agood point!

how about we leave the kids with them and they can play in the balls together and we all go find a pub!

Of course your Oh's can come :) Martin would have come if we didn't have to go by tube but I can't even imagine how many buses we'd have to get!

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