Blimey hun! What an experience!!!!
I don't know if you read my section story, but I had similar in that the aneasthetic started to run out while they were stitching me up. They topped it up twice, and it still didn't work. They ended up giving me the option as well, so I chose for them to carry on rather than get knocked out as well.
I know it's very very raw for you now, but belive me, the memory fades. I'm now 4 months down the line, have forgotten all the pain from my SPD, all the agony from the section, the pain afterwards, the sickness, and everything. I only have to look at Charlie to know it was all definitely worth it. And we're already trying for a little sister or brother for him!!!
I really hope the counselling helps hun. They are professionals and know what they are talking about. Although, I wasn't offered any!
Oh, and Logan is aboslutely georgeous hun!