LO doesn't like being put down!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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Hey ladies :waves: so great to finally be over here with u all :)

Quick question, Harry is 3 days old now and hates it when he is out into his Moses basket or bouncing chair. He is only content when feeding (which is often) or being held. Is there a way to help him be more happy when put down as I'm not getting much sleep at all!! Especially as he seemed to use bf as a comforter last night. I really don't like how upset he is when away from me but don't want to start a bad habit. Xx
Its all very scary for babies when they are first born and it takes them a while to get used to things. The bouncy chair may be too big for him at the moment?? My Lo didnt really use his till he was a couple of months old. Newborns need feeding all the time and lots of cuddles so my advice is to enjoy the cuddly time coz before you know it he will be older and wont want them!!
hey kanga :wave: massive congrats, so so good to see you in here xx

I think at that stage i only put Will in his basket when he was already asleep, you might find this gets better after a week or so? sorry not much use but wanted to welcome u into B&T xx
Congrats Kanga! The other girls said it all. Harry just wants to be close to you. One thing I found helped was wearing K in a wrap. That way she was close to me, but I was still able to do stuff. Xx
I agree, at that stage I'd let him fall asleep on me then put him in, only recently been putting him in awake xx
I was in hospital for 5 days with abi and the midwives swaddled her in a blanket and then put another thin blanket over her and tucked it under the mattress as i was stuck in bed for the first 2 days. They then told me to tap her on the shoulder as if it were a heartbeat. It really did work as she was wrapped tight as if she were in the womb and the tapping replaced my heartbeat which she would have heard when inside me. Hope this helps xx
I was in hospital for 5 days with abi and the midwives swaddled her in a blanket and then put another thin blanket over her and tucked it under the mattress as i was stuck in bed for the first 2 days. They then told me to tap her on the shoulder as if it were a heartbeat. It really did work as she was wrapped tight as if she were in the womb and the tapping replaced my heartbeat which she would have heard when inside me. Hope this helps xx

That is interesting! I will try that on my next lo :)
T bag didn't like being put down at that age either, she did grow out of it though. Wrap him up snugly and do what Steph says, this works a treat. Or get yourself a sling :)
Thank u ladies I will give it a go. I do only put him down when already asleep but 5 mins later he is awake again! Sounds very interesting wrapping him up and tapping out a heartbeat. Anything to even get an hours kip at night xx
Ruby was the same she would only sleep being held or on my chest , she did grow out of it . Sorry am not much help . They like listening to your heart beat apparently so you could try putting a ticking clock in the Moses basket it may help xxx
Try a white noise app/slumber bear too.
Most newborns are the same - I think of them as little baby monkeys that just want to be carried around by their Mum's. Lovely for them - time consuming and frustrating for you. But it will pass eventually.

My LO always woke up whenever we put her in her crib - that was until she was about 6 weeks old and she was finally big enough for her grobag - we used to get her to sleep cuddling her in the grobag. That way she stayed nice and snuggly rather than being placed into a cool crib with cool covers.

Only other thing I can suggest is trying to find a sling that suits you and your baby (we love the babybjorn - for 8lb +). That way, at least you can get a drink and some food every now and then!

Good luck!

We used to try the floppy arm test. I'd let Harry fall asleep on me then give it a good 10 mins

Then we'd pick up one arm and let it go- if it dropped like a dead weight and was floppy you know they are asleep.

Don't forget he spent 9 months safe and warm in you and the world outside of his mums arms is a scary place

Give it a few days and it'll improve xx

Welcome to b&t though xx
Ps- there's no way at his age you could form a bad habit from holding him so don't be worried about that xx
often the temperature change when theyre put down wakes them. wrap him in a blanket and put a hot water bottle in his basket to keep it warm. that way he will be the same temp when put down as the blanket will retain your warmth
often the temperature change when theyre put down wakes them. wrap him in a blanket and put a hot water bottle in his basket to keep it warm. that way he will be the same temp when put down as the blanket will retain your warmth

I do this, I do still have to cuddle him to sleep and then put him down Nd he is 6 weeks now :)

By the way great to see you over here kanga x x x
I found wrapping mine up in a blanket help with all mine. They didn't sleep as long if I just put them down or, their arms flopped about as I put them down and that woke them up. Evelyn is 4 weeks now and still doesn't really like the bouncy chair. She also fed almost constantly for about a week but since then has been a great sleeper. Hope he settles soon for you xx
i used to do it, now she wont be cuddled to sleep most of the time so i have to either feed her off or rock her in her pram. sometimes i can put her down in her cot and she will self settle but most of the time not and i dont care lol. however i manage to get her to sleep is fine by me

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